Darth Sidious Hologram (BD10) - Hasbro - Legacy Collection (2009)
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There has been an awakening to the reality of the horrible state of Star Wars (which has been this way for quite some time). Even Thomas, the man in perpetual denial about the state of the IP and merchandising, wrote two recent articles, finally admitting how dreadful things are. They were so accurate and sharp that readers thought they were mine. I digress. In one of those articles’ discussions, I mentioned that Star Wars is metaphorically Bernie Lomax from “Weekend At Bernie’s.” Then, for fun, I began Googling images of the film and became astounded when I found a still which allowed me to create the most flawless meme of the condition of the IP and hobby. This is the next “Distracted Boyfriend” meme, y’all. (more….)

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The Deafening Silence Of The Sequel Trilogy

As someone who, in my strong opinion, was justifiably critical of the Sequel Trilogy, I had zero hopes or expectations for The Rise Of Skywalker. ZERO! However, the last thing I ever expected was to like the film. A LOT. Let’s face some basic facts. The Sequel Trilogy went the wrong way for Star Wars. (more….)

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Stop Being A Man-Baby! It's For Kids!

Walmart polled kids this year to get an idea of what some of their favorite toys and brands are and what Wlamart should have IN STOCK for America’s Best Toy Shop. As you know, Walmart has grand plans to take over the world as the #1 toy shop. See if you can find what intellectual property and Hasbro brand DID NOT make the list. It’s no wonder so many locations have no Star Wars section left. Click the image below for the winners of the poll (a pdf document), but you can also read more HERE.

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I know at best this will be an unscientific and anecdotal gathering of information, but I would like to see what collectors’ tastes are when it comes to how they collect Star Wars figures, focusing on one area of collecting. In the comments, please let us know what you obtain from the Star Wars Hasbro brand. (Don’t be ashamed of anything you buy! Please list it. Be a proud collector, no matter what it is! We’ll deal with any hecklers.) Then next to each type of figure or product focus, please put if you are an opener, both an opener and a loose collector, or strictly a loose collector as well as your area of focus. (more….)

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Posted in Hasbro

Toy Run Tuesdays Starts Next Week!

Okay, let’s get this going! I’ve been thinking about running this series for a little while now, but work and school have been kicking my butt lately, so my posts have been a little on the backburner. In any case, with all the saturation of news and leaks and new figure wishlists (and not getting the figures on that list), I wanted to create an opportunity to focus on the fun of collecting. So, to do that, let’s meet weekly to share what we have actually recently collected, or done with our collections. Click through for some general guidelines for Toy Run Tuesdays…

Recently acquired Corellian hound assisting in the capture of one of Moloch’s fugitives.

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Are Star Wars Toys Holding Their Value?

The BBC asked an intriguing question a couple of days ago. Are Star Wars toys holding their value? The article initially focuses on vintage toys, but then attempts to apply similar logic with the modern toys. And in all honesty, they’re two separate entities as we all know. But more interesting, is that it focuses on toys from The Force Awakens through now to argue some points (skipping right over the greatest stuff Hasbro ever produced that is feverishly sought after, even today, by collectors everywhere). If you’re a longtime collector, you know that most toys from the “Golden Age of Collecting” (circa 2006-2013) offers some of the GREATEST products Hasbro’s ever produced for collectors. And if you spot check these items on eBay, you’ll find that MANY go for incredible amounts of money (and prices keep riding up, especially those products from the original run of The Vintage Collection). (more….)

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Disappointment Is A Whole Lot Better Than Indifference

This weekend for giggles I went on my first toy run probably since the “Solo” product launch. (For the record, I found nothing of importance on Wookiee Weekend either.) What I found on shelves this weekend disappointingly didn’t surprise me. I am so used to a letdown in the toy aisles of my local TARGET and Walmart stores that if I did find something of interest I might need a defibrillator. I couldn’t even muster up enough energy to take the cell phone from my pocket to snap a picture of the shelves so I could post an article about how badly the state of Star Wars retail is in this current era of collecting. Maybe I don’t have to do that anyway. I get plenty of reports from our readers. But if you post too much truth, you get a reputation for always posting “the sky is falling” and that your site doesn’t post “positive” stories. (more….)

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Our friend and yours, Victoria, from Victoria’s Cantina, has put together a little op-ed about where we are as collectors, primarily with Hasbro. Click through for more.

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The Modern Garage Sale

Like many of you, I remember scouring garage sales for Star Wars figures that parents were selling for .25 cents or 5 for a buck. It seems like with all the technology at your finger tips, the days of finding that gem cheap is over (or at least more difficult). Well, I had this app on my phone for quite awhile and I mostly used it to sell some old clothes and things, but recently I find out it can be a treasure trove for Star Wars collectors. Click through to find out more.

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TBS6 Below MSRP Almost Everywhere Now - What's Going On?

No new stock in months, which is nearly approaching years now. The same old stock continues to rot on shelves. Most retailers (if not all now) have TBS6 figures WELL BELOW the MSRP of $19.99/$21.99. What is truly going on anymore? Now another retailer desperately tries to move old stock. Have all of you seen the new sale at Toys R Us for their remaining stock of The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ figures? The sale runs through July 1st (which is quite a long time out) and the figures have been marked down to $11.99 each. There has to be more going on here across all current brick and mortar retailer than meets the eye. Is there just not a big enough audience for this line or is Hasbro making too many of them? (The solution is the same answer.)

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An Important Message From Steve Sansweet

Dear fellow Star Wars fans and collectors,
I need to share some distressing news with you because I need your help. (more….)

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