Darth Sidious (VC12) - Hasbro - The Vintage Collection (2010)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Tag Archives: Darth Revan

Pre-Order Today's Hot Toys Announcements

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Sideshow Collectibles has opened up pre-orders for all three of today’s Hot Toys announcements. Click below for pre-order pages:


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Hot Toys Darth Revan (VGM062) 1/6 Scale Figure

Hot Toys kicks off their tribute to the Dark Side with the official announcement of Darth Revan (VGM062). Click through for the full details and gallery images.

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It’s time for the penultimate set of cards from the weekly Topps Star Wars Living Set. Featuring the iconic blue starfield and the impressive artwork of Kris Penix, check out Darth Nihilus (#497) and Darth Revan (#498)Click here to view the entire Star Wars Living archive, including individual print runs.

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Visual Guide Update - Darth Revan - The Vintage Collection

Our The Vintage Collection Visual Guide gets another update with the addition of Darth Revan (VC301). Click below to check him out! Be sure to also visit our full review of this figure right here.

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Review: Jedi Knight Revan/HK-47 - TVC - VC306/VC305

Review: Darth Revan - TVC - VC301

Remember when all those crazies got mad at us when Hasbro canceled the 2007 30th Anniversary Collection Darth Revan re-release after we told them not to re-release it? And remember when those same crazies believed that Hasbro just forgot to add the figure into the lineup instead of canceling it, thanks to that fake news on YouTube? Well, our work has paid off. Now, we have an all-new, super-articulated, and exquisitely detailed Darth Revan action figure. Sometimes, getting people mad pays off, so we’ll continue to upset them. (more….)

Darth Revan

Thank you for reading Research Droids Reviews: Season 15!

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You will certainly remember The Vintage Collection drama about Darth Revan. Hasbro originally announced plans to put Revan on a vintage card, but hopes of collectors were dashed when they found out that Revan would be yet another repack of an old sculpt and not a new figure. Fans were unhappy and told Hasbro on fansites what they think about repacking the old Revan.

And then TVC Darth Revan was canceled, because of fan feedback, or so Hasbro said. Collectors felt that Hasbro had actually listened to them and was happy. Someone is claiming to contradict that. New information coming from toy industry veteran Scott Neitlich (he worked at Mattel and has industry contacts) has surfaced that casts the story in a new light and you will not believe what he says happened! Click through for the full story and please sit down, because you may find it hard to believe what I am about to tell you.

TVC Darth Revan

Darth Revan

Full Story

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The Black Series Role Play Livestream Reveals

The Black Series role play gets two new Force FX releases. Click below to check out the Darth Revan Force FX Elite lightsaber and the Emperor Palpatine Force FX Elite lightsaber. Look for the Palpatine saber to go up for pre-order at 4 pm Eastern today. 


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In case you’re interested, I just added comparison shots of The Black Series [Phase III] Darth Revan (34) figure with the new Jedi Knight Revan figure. About eight new images have been added.

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Hasbro confirmed that Darth Revan WILL NOT be part of the 2019 The Vintage Collection lineup. But it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what’s going on behind the scenes. While purely conjecture, it’s nearly guaranteed that they’re developing an all-new figure of this character from the ground up (and hopefully utilizing the digital files of the 6″ figure). A year ago, we wrote a controversial article which we both got praised for and criticized for, but I am glad I wrote it. (The angry people were those who missed out on the 2007 figure and were desperate to add it into their collections.) I know we must be getting something worthy of release in The Vintage Collection. I also know Hasbro read the article and noted the over 300 comments and 15K reads it received. So, you’re welcome? We weren’t the only ones to complain, but we started it. Sometimes “whining” pays off. It brought back The Vintage Collection, and now it’s holding Hasbro to a higher standard for a collectors’ line.

Let the past die. Kill it if you have to (but only this old figure, Hasbro).


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What's Going On With Darth Revan (VC150)?

So, what the heck happened to the 2007 re-released version of Darth Revan? Intended to be part of the 22nd wave of The Vintage Collection (the wave with Luke (Crait) and R2-D2), but now we know Darth Revan is not included. From the start, we made it clear that we were quite irritated that Hasbro decided to be this lazy and demanded that a character of such notoriety should receive an all-new KOTOR-accurate sculpt. Many of you felt similarly, about 12K of you, as well. If something isn’t going on with this figure, why wouldn’t Hasbro easily include a straight repack/slight repaint in this wave for more variety? Could something more be happening here? Or is it something simple like they can’t find the old tooling. I don’t believe the latter because they wouldn’t have announced the figure without checking that out first. And sorry if you don’t agree, but it’s egregious to include this figure in 2019. It’s an inferior sculpt, terribly-articulated, and inaccurate to the video game. No one should want any other type of a 3.75″ Darth Revan figure than a reduced 6″ version.

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Custom 1985 POTF-Inspired Darth Revan Figure On eBay

Speaking of Darth Revan (a much hotter topic than ever expected), JTA reader Paul B. alerts us to a rather awesome custom 1985 The Power Of The Force inspired Darth Revan figure on eBay, complete with coin. Check it out!

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Is it the 30th anniversary of Star Wars again or did I just miss something? Because I don’t understand why 2019 will see the re-release of a figure from a dozen years ago. (more….)

“I am just as confused as you are, fellow 3.75″ super-articulated collectors!”

Full Story

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Solid Case Packs Of TBS6 [P3] Darth Revan Arriving!

We have learned that solid case packs of The Black Series [Phase III] Darth Revan figure are arriving to online retailers. It won’t be long now!

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Pre-order TBS6 [P3] Darth Revan At Entertainment Earth!

You can pre-order all of the Darth Revan wave of The Black Series [Phase III] figures at Entertainment Earth. But you can click the image below to order Darth Revan!

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Pre-order Darth Revan At Dorkside Toys!

JTA sponsor Dorkside Toys also has The Black Series [Phase III] Darth Revan figure up for pre-order for September availability!

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BREAKING NEWS! TBS6 Darth Revan Returns In Solid Case Pack!

BREAKING NEWS! Darth Revan is returning in a solid case pack for a September delivery! JTA sponsor Empire Toys has the figure up for order! It’s great that Hasbro has finally decided to do this for this highly sought-after figure!

UPDATE: We have learned that these solid case assortments will be “exclusive” through Entertainment Earth and all supplies through another vendor will come from EE. We are unable to confirm this completely, so stay tuned for more.

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Darth Revan Orders From JC Penney Getting Cancelled

And so it comes to pass. All of you eagerly awaiting shipping notices for Darth Revan will ultimately be getting this. Sorry, we tried, and we have proof that these were in stock at some point.

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It looks like a massive amount of The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ Darth Revan case assortment has been found. You’re aware of the JC Penney online thing, now JTA sponsor Big Bad Toy Store is taking pre-orders for this wave for a first-quarter 2018 release. It’s amazing how screwed up distribution is.

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Hurry! JC Penney’s online store has The Black Series [Phase III] Darth Revan IN STOCK for $19.99. Be sure to select DARTH REVAN as your “color” before ordering! Limit 25 per person. Special thanks to JTA reader Ian D. for this gracious alert!

UPDATE: Readers are receiving an updated email from JCPenney.com. It reads “We are checking inventory. We’ll update you soon! ” It might be wise to not get your hopes up with this figure. We tried.

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