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Tag Archives: diorama

Toy Run Tuesday #7 - Dioramas and Blasters

Welcome, toy runners to another fine Toy Run Tuesday! This week you’ll find some photos from some recently completed customs I did. Please click through and share with your fellow collectors what you acquired this week. Did you get a TVC Skiff? Boba Fett repack? Build your army of 6″ figures? Let us know in the comments!

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Jazzinc Dioramas has posted a first teaser image of a prototype 6 in scale Tantive IV hallway diorama earlier today. Downpayment is $50, Jazzinc Dioramas is aiming for a $150 price tag for the finished piece.
If you want to pre-order your Tantive IV hallway for the Black Series (or SHF, of course) just head over to the Jazzinc Dioramas homepage, click on contact and you will find the mail address. Just write a short mail that you want to pre-order the set and you will receive an invoice for the downpayment. Jazzinc has produced a 1/6 scale version of the set, which you can also check out to see what the finished 1/12 scale version will probably look like. Thanks to JTA regular Matthew Cohen for the alert!

Prototype Tantive IV Hallway

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Diorama parts maker Hole in the Ground Productions just released two new items today. I’m very impressed by the turnaround time on these as the prototype was just posted a few days ago on Facebook. The conference table is a whopping 10 inches in diameter!! According to the announcement, “the decals are not done yet for the conference table so if you order before they are, the decals will be mailed out later.” Hopefully with the ‘garbage masher’ door we’ll eventually see some trash compactor walls to go along with it! Click here to check out their shop!

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Diorama Parts! Support Hole in the Ground Productions!

Dioramas are cool. Supporting hobbyists is even cooler. Hole in the Ground Productions has been making resin cast diorama parts for years, and are trying to take things to the next level, but your help is needed! So many people supported the barge around these parts, and a much smaller investment could go a long way in backing a supplier of amazing diorama pieces and getting those pieces into our dioramas.

If you want to contribute but it’s not as convenient at the moment, don’t worry. There is a minimum option for only a donation of $8 and it still gets you some new diorama parts. If you collect 6″ figures, there is an option for you. Click the image below to view their main perk24 injection molded functional diorama pieces for only $50!!

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If you are into building dioramas to display your figures (I know I am), you’ll definitely want to check out this Indigogo campaign for Hole In the Ground Productions. Only a couple days in and already 14% funded! Keep in mind this is just the first wave, and if funded there will be more diorama pieces coming soon.

The nice thing is you don’t have to worry about crazy funding costs, but you can buy in to some higher-end campaign rewards, too. There are good options for everyone to show their support for this awesome project!

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Extreme Sets Reveals Death Star Pop Up Diorama!

Now this is really nice! Extreme Sets who are known for their sturdy pop up dioramas made of  cardboard just revealed their Death Star hangar set on Instagram! The set is 1/12 scale, which means it’s for 6 inch figures. This looks like a very affordable alternative (the other extreme sets are something between $45 and $55) to Space Walls. The set includes the hangar bay doors, the bay where C-3PO and R2-D2 try to open the trash compactor doors and a hallway. Are you interested in this set? I think we’ll see this a lot in upcoming YouTube reviews and on Instagram. Thanks to Matthew C. for the tip!

Check out a video tour of the set on Instagram!

Extreme Sets Death Star Hangar

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I’ve been a fan of holeintheground productions’ work for quite some time. Most recently they have put a gorgeous 3.75″ scale Emperor’s throne up for sale. Thanks to Scott M. for pointing us in their direction. And we agree… A new Emperor who can sit in this throne would be wonderful!! Do you have any pieces from them in your dioramas? Let us know in the comments!

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