Stormtrooper (SL11) - Hasbro - Star Wars [Darth Vader/Revenge of the Sith] (2013)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Tag Archives: Disney

eBay's tunghori Stocks R4-BOO18

Did you miss out on R4-BOO18 when it was in stock at Shop Disney? Well, tunghori has it in stock if you really want it! Special thanks to JTA reader Mark for the alert!

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All Hope Isn't Lost For The Doctor Aphra Comic Set

If you missed out on the Doctor Aphra Comic Set at Hasbro Toy Shop today, you still have a chance to pay a “reasonable” price for it on eBay. There are sellers that have it for just a little over MSRP and some have a FREE shipping option. If you consider you didn’t need to buy a plane ticket or convention admission to get it, then this is a steal! 3.75″ for the win forever!

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First Look Sneak Peek: Disney Droid Factory R4-BOO18

We’re saving the full gallery and review for Halloween, October 31st this yer, but you can check out a first look sneak peek at R4-BOO18, the latest figure in Disney’s Droid Factory line.

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Disney Droid Factory R4-B0018 Revealed!

There’s a new Halloween-inspired Droid Factory astromech droid and it has hit eBay. Please welcom R4-BOO18 to the line! Special thanks to JTA reader Indysolo007 for the alert!

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It was reported by Bloomberg that Disney’s grand plans for its streaming service may not work as smoothly as intended. Disney sold the broadcast rights for the Original Trilogy and Prequel Trilogy movies to Turner Broadcasting back in 2016. And this deal also included streaming rights. It wasn’t cheap either. Turner paid 275 million for the movies in 2016, a hefty sum. Disney would like nothing better than to get the rights back from Turner, but Turner Broadcasting so far refuses to sell the rights back to Disney or is asking for too much money. The rights expire only in 2024. That could mean that for five long years the all new Disney streaming channel, which is all about Star Wars and Marvel, can’t show the first six Star Wars movies, only the Disney era movies and some fans of the George Lucas era may think twice about paying for a service that won’t be able to stream the movies they love the most. However, Disney still has some time to convince Turner to sell back the rights. Would it matter to you if the first six movies were missing from the Disney streaming service?

Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker

Artistic rendition of the negotiations between Disney and Turner

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Comcast No Longer Bids For 21st Century Fox

Bloomberg reports that Comcast has dropped out of the bidding war for 21st Century Fox to focus on the acquisition of European pay tv channel Sky instead. This means that Disney can go ahead and the acquisition of 21st Century Fox has no real hurdles to overcome anymore. The deal already has US antitrust approval, Disney merely needs to sell off some of the local Fox sports networks, which Disney has already agreed to do. It’s most likely only a matter of time now until most of the Marvel characters and all the distribution rights for Star Wars are under one roof, pending shareholder approval. The separate Disney and Fox shareholder meetings are supposed to be held on July 27th.

Walt Disney and 21st Century Fox

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Yahoo Finance Asks If Star Wars Is Imploding

Until now most media outlets put a more or less positive spin on the recent developments in the Star Wars Universe and at Lucasfilm. It was mostly the alternative media, and here especially several YouTube channels, that heavily criticized Lucasfilm for Solo’s failure at the box office and for making a – according to them – divisive movie with The Last Jedi. But now Yahoo Finance posted an article that asks the ultimate question: whether or not the Star Wars Universe is imploding. Click through for more details!

Captain Canady

Captain Canady sees his world exploding

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Things are looking better and better for the acquisition of 21st Century Fox by Disney. Today the Department of Justice has approved the deal under the condition that Disney sells off 22 of the regional FOX sports networks, which Disney promptly agreed to do (Disney also owns ESPN). Rival Comcast will have an even harder time now, since the 21st Century Fox board believes that a deal with Comcast might be blocked, which is why they are fully committed to the Disney offer.

Read more at Variety.

Walt Disney and 21st Century Fox

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21st Century Fox Accepts Disney's Higher Bid

Twenty-First Century Fox, has accepted a new offer from Disney, which included a higher per share offer of $38 per 21CF share versus the prior offer of $28 per share that Disney offered in December 2017. Are we one step closer to seeing the unaltered Original Trilogy on Blu-ray? (more….)

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The Walt Disney Company and 21st Century Fox stockholders will both vote on the merger of the two companies on July 10th, as reported by Forbes. Some major shifts in the US entertainment industry are happening at the moment. And whoever doesn’t find someone to buy or merge with may well be left behind in the long run. The AT&T and Time Warner merger was just approved the other day. That leaves Comcast, they don’t have much time left to snatch Fox away from Disney. The boards of both Disney and Fox have already agreed on the merger. That leaves the stockholders. Their votes will decide. Would you like the Disney & Fox merger to go through? Disney would finally have the distribution rights for all of the Star Wars movies.Walt Disney and 21st Century Fox

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Lucasfilm and men’s streetwear clothing line, Billionaire Boys Club, created a Star Wars-themed capsule collection in celebration of Solo: A Star Wars Story. Watch for the capsule to debut via Billionaire Boys Club’s web store and NYC flagship in June, with imagery of the full collection coming soon. Hypebeast has the full story.

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Pop-Chips: The New Snack You're Looking For!

I received a surprise personalized box in the mail over the weekend from Pop-Chips, a new popped potato snack which is available and will be featured at theaters for the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story. They’re pretty good! They’re like a Cheetos with a more mild flavor and thicker crunch. Click the images below to see what I received! Learn more at! We thank Pop-Chips for sending us this delicious sample and two Black Ticket coupons for AMC theaters!


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Disney Droid Factory Also Going For A Premium On eBay

Everything seems to be going up in price anymore, and the Disney Droid Factory collections released a couple of years ago are no exception. JTA friend and moderator Sjefke alerts us to this crazy auction, but if you search for individual parts, they go for an elevated amount too. And you thought Jabba’s Sail Barge was expensive, huh?

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So, after SIX hours of futzing with Force Link 2.0 and trying to get it installed, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of the Rose (First Order Disguise)/BB-8/BB-9E Two-Packs set still have “FIRMWARE UPDATE REQUIRED!” errors. We’re shaking our heads. Oh, and the figure’s say the wrong things if you use the first Force Link. See why we’re so over this gimmick now as we look at this re-release in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or even comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.

Rose (First Order Disguise)/BB-8/BB-9E

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Disney comes through with droids from Solo: A Star Wars Story. Click below to check out our Visual Guide update featuring R2-F1P, R5-232, R2-S8, and R5-PHT. You can also read our full review of this set right here in our Research Droids Reviews database.

R2-F1P/R5-232/R2-S8/R5-PHT - Droid Factory

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Review: R2-F1P/R5-232/R2-S8/R5-PHT - Droid Factory

The R2-F1P/R5-232/R2-S8/R5-PHT Droid Factory set is incredible. And the droids inside of this set have all received updates making them more accurate to screen than ever before. See why you don’t want to miss out on this set in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or even comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.


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Sneak Peek! R2-F1P/R5-232/R2-S8/R5-PHT - Droid Factory

We have a sneak peek look for you tonight of the R2-F1P/R5-232/R2-S8/R5-PHT Solo: A Star Wars Story Droid Factory four-pack. It appears that we might see new Droid Factory droid parts in the future as evidenced by the new parts included here, namely the restraining bolts. R2-S8 is the standout astromech droid of the set (who looks a lot like R2-MK by the way) and has some of the best paint operations we have seen in this line to date. Still, all droids are still missing foot wires which is an ongoing setback. Check out this great set early in our RDRs by clicking the image below.

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Let’s wrap up our Visual Guide updates from the latest wave of Disney’s Star Wars Toybox figures. Click below to check out Darth Vader (4), and make sure to check our full review of this figure.

Darth Vader (4) - Disney Store - Star Wars Toybox

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Review: Darth Vader - Star Wars Toybox (4)

The next wave of the Star Wars Toybox line picks characters from the Original Trilogy! Let’s check out Darth Vader from this very fun line of figures! He is the focus of our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or even comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.

Darth Vader

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Let The Past Die: The End Of A Star Wars Tradition

Supervising sound editor Matthew Wood revealed to ABC News that the decision has been made to move on from the famous Wilhelm scream, which was absent from Rogue One and The Last Jedi. The distinctive scream was named by legendary sound designer Ben Burtt and it was included in the first seven films in the Star Wars saga. Woods commented, “We’re letting the past die, as Kylo Ren says.” He also revealed that they have begun to put a new signature scream into current and upcoming films. This seems to be part of a larger shift in philosophy, as Ben Burtt himself is no longer involved with the Star Wars franchise. Vanity Fair asked Burtt about his exclusion from Disney’s Star Wars productions and commented, “I was just never consulted or hired to do any of them. No one’s ever told me why.” Burtt concluded by saying, “You know that line in Indiana Jones, ‘It belongs in a museum’? That’s me. I’m a museum piece.” Click here to read the fill interview with Burtt.

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Disney CEO Bob Iger tells investors that the company is close to revealing at least one of the producing teams behind one of the projects. Fresh off of news that Game of Thrones creators/showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss would be creating a new trilogy of Star Wars feature films, Disney CEO Bob Iger told investors Tuesday that the company is developing more than one Star Wars TV series. (more….)

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Solo: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer - NOW LIVE!

The Solo: A Star Wars Story teaser trailer is NOW LIVE! Your comments now!

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Here is something interesting! Blu-ray ads for The Last Jedi have made their way into the random ad sections of Facebook. Were they released too early? Or are these just unofficial images? We’re unable to confirm, but they look legitimate to us. In the meantime, see what’s planned for supposed Best Buy and TARGET exclusive editions of the Blu-ray. Special thanks to JTA reader Alex P. for sending us these images!


UPDATE: you can also pre-order the Best Buy Steel Book here and The Target Exclusive here.

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Mark Hamill Reveals Original Ending To The Force Awakens

Mark Hamill has revealed the original intended ending for The Force Awakens that Rian Johnson changed. Uh-oh, Mark. Maybe you should seal those lips of yours. Aren’t you in enough hot water with Disney’s legal team for bashing your onscreen character? All kidding aside, check out the article.

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The state of Star Wars since the sale to Disney has generated a lot of discussion, which only intensified after The Last Jedi was released. Three Star Wars films have been released since the sale to Disney and Solo: A Star Wars Story is just around the corner. In addition, we have Star Wars Rebels, Battlefront II, and the various novels and comics that have been released under this new leadership. Now that we a significant amount of material to work with, let’s open up the discussion of “Disney’s” Star Wars a little more. I have put together a list of questions that are intended to assess the state of Star Wars under Disney’s leadership, as well as your hopes for the future. We take pride in the wonderful community that has been established here and would love it if you participated in this discussion. As always, please keep the discussion civil and be respectful of differing opinions. Click through to see the full list of questions.

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