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Tag Archives: Force FX Lightsaber

Pre-Order The Week 2 Gift The Galaxy Reveals

Pre-orders are now open for yesterday’s Gift the Galaxy reveals:


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The Black Series Baylon Skoll Force FX Elite Lightsaber Revealed

Today’s Gift The Galaxy reveals start with a new The Black Series Baylon Skoll Force FX Elite Lightsaber. Get the full details over at This will be available to pre-order tomorrow (November 20) at 1 PM Eastern. 

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Let’s check out another dueling lightsaber from DamienSaber. This time we had the chance to look at one of their custom hilt designs featuring the all-new Xenopixel 3.0 board allowing custom sound and color changing directly from your smartphone. How does it measure up? Click through for the full review!

Posted in Props and Memorabilia
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Review: Luke Skywalker Force FX Heavy Dueling Lightsaber

This is not your ordinary Force FX Lightsaber! How does it compare to Hasbro’s Force FX version? Today we have a full review of one of DamienSaber’s Force FX Dueling Lightsabers. Not to spoil it for you, but it didn’t disappoint! Click through for our full review!

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Pre-Order The Luke Skywalker Force FX Elite Lightsaber

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Entertainment Earth has opened pre-orders for the recently announced Luke Skywalker Force FX Elite Lightsaber. Click here for the pre-order page.

Update: Pre-order on Amazon right here.

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Luke Skywalker Force FX Elite Lightsaber Revealed

Week 2’s Bring Home The Galaxy announcements include a new Luke Skywalker Force FX Elite Lightsaber. Look for this to go up for pre-order tomorrow at 1 PM Eastern.


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[UPDATE]: Reva Force FX Lightsaber HasLab Not Funded!

And that’s it… The Reva Force FX Lightsaber HasLab ended with a resounding “thud”. Final backer number is 1,413, which is not even close to the 5,000 people who were needed. That is the second failed Star Wars Black Series HasLab in a row. Hasbro and Lucasfilm should do some deep soul searching and evaluate the situation.

Why did the Black Series ever get these extremely lackluster HasLabs to begin with? The Rancor looked merely “ok”, but not great, the tiers were a bad joke (a cardboard backdrop, really? Repacked figures?) and Reva’s lightsaber was dead in the water right from the start. Whoever thought people might want that? Either Lucasfilm or Hasbro (or both) need a reality check. Well, they got one for free now with a failed HasLab that only convinced a little more than 1,400 people to back a Force FX lightsaber for a brand new Star Wars character that is maybe not as popular as Lucasfilm would like it.

Cue sad trombone sound

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Reva Lightsaber HasLab Now Live!

To no one’s surprise after the accidental leak on Hasbro’s very own HasLab page a few days ago, the brand new Reva Force FX lightsaber HasLab was also revealed at the Hasbro panel! Price is $499.99, the campaign ends on July 11th. 5,000 backers are required to make the lightsaber a reality. There will be NO tiers!

I would say this could be do-able, since there are quite a few cosplayers and lightsaber collectors out there. But we will see how much momentum the campaign will have after the weekend is over! $499.99 for a saber that won’t even let you fly around like a helicopter is still a lot of money after all!

Will it allow you to fly like a helicopter?

You can back your Reva lightsaber on the HasLab page!

Are you interested in the new Star Wars HasLab or is it nothing for you? Let us know in the comments!

Posted in Hasbro, Hasbro Pulse
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You all remember Patrick’s slip of the tongue when he accidentally revealed in a livestream that the Rancor would be the next Star Wars HasLab. Well, Hasbro is at it again and once more accidentally revealed the next Star Wars HasLab, on their own HasLab site of all things, before everyting was pulled down again.

The new HasLab will be for Reva’s Inquisitor lightsaber (the helicopter saber), cost will be $500. Launch is May 27th (the day the Kenobi series premieres on Disney+) and it will end on July 11th. Let’s see if this Star Wars HasLab will succeed again for a change after the Rancor failure. My personal opinion? $500 for an Inquisitor lightsaber is very ambitious. I feel a disturbance in the Force, as if millions of Star Wars fans groaned out in pain and rolled their eyes… but what do you think? Do you want a $500 Reva Force FX lightsaber? Or will you just order some popcorn and have yet another countdown party here on JTA on July 11th like last time with the Rancor?

Will it allow you to fly like a helicopter?

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The Black Series Role Play Livestream Reveals

The Black Series role play gets two new Force FX releases. Click below to check out the Darth Revan Force FX Elite lightsaber and the Emperor Palpatine Force FX Elite lightsaber. Look for the Palpatine saber to go up for pre-order at 4 pm Eastern today. 


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If you’re a lightsaber collector or just want this one specifically, has Rey (Jedi Training) ForceFX Lightsaber in stock. Interesting that it is called Rey (Jedi Training) instead of just Rey’s Lightsaber. She will obviously be constructing a new Lightsaber (in one form or another), so to me this means this is still Anakin or Luke’s Lightsaber 🙂

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TBS6 Guardians Of Evil 4-Pack On Sale At

The Gamestop/ThinkGeek/Barnes & Noble Exclusive Guardians of Evil 4-pack is on sale for only $47 at! That’s a pretty great deal for this set. Thanks to JTA readers Frank & Ian for letting us know! They also have some other items on sale as well such as Force FX Lightsabers (Even Kylo) for $102, Supreme Leader Snoke (Throne) for $32, and many others.

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Entertainment Earth has Rey’s Force FX Lightsaber up for pre-order with a December release date.

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TBS Obi-Wan Force FX Lightsaber Showing Up In Store

If you’re a fan of the Force FX Lightsabers, then Obi-Wan’s is a must! I always hated the fact that the blades were not removable, but in reality they come out easily (most of them) and undamaged if you just want to display the hilt (like I do). JTA Reader and friend sends us a report of finding this at his local Walmart in NJ. It might be time to start checking yours and avoid paying eBay prices. It is a great looking hilt. Are these in your area? Let us know

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