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Well, since it was a slow Mando Monday, how about something different? just announced their all-new Wampa Rug. Click here for the order page and for additional images.
This post contains affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, JTA may receive a commission if you click and make a purchase. is happy to announce that they’re carrying the re-released Jabba the Hutt Geeki Tiki mug and Bib Fortuna mini-mugglet. These were going to be a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive, but now they’re being sold through a handful of retailers. The estimated availability is May 6th.
This post contains affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, JTA may receive a commission if you click and make a purchase. currently has most of their Star Wars merchandise on sale. There’s a wide variety of items well worth browsing through their unique selection.
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