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The next two cards from the weekly Topps Star Wars Living Set are now out. Featuring the iconic blue starfield and the impressive artwork of Kris Penix, check out Han Solo (Carbonite) (#297) and Korr Sella (#298). Each Tuesday, two new cards will be released and be only available for one week. Click here to view the entire Star Wars Living archive, including individual print runs.
Welcome to another entry in our The Vintage Collection: The Ninety Six column. Hasbro recently committed to collectors that they will be “focusing” on characters in The Vintage Collection that fall under “The Ninety Six” banner. If you’re new to this, it means that there needs a modern counterpart for every classic Kenner figure. Between 2020 and 2021, Hasbro’s made an admirable effort by focusing on these characters. But there is more work to be done, and we’ll figure out where we are step by step. Today we assess Han Solo (In Carbonite Chamber).
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The Black Series The Empire Strikes Back 40th Anniversary Han Solo (Carbonite) figure is back in stock on Thanks to JTA reader Jon for the alert!
We have our next The Black Series The Empire Strikes Back 40th Anniversary Visual Guide update tonight, featuring the Amazon exclusive Han Solo (Carbonite) “figure”. Click below to check out our full Visual Guide page. You can also read our full review in our review database.
The Black Series [The Empire Strikes Back 40] Han Solo (Carbonite) is artificially getting passed off as a figure. Don’t be fooled. It’s an accessory. That’s all it is! Did you get one before they sold out? (more….)
Thank you for reading Research Droids Reviews: Season 12!
The Black Series 6″ collectors are likely very happy about now. Hasbro finally re-released an accessory from seven years ago to help them complete their collections. Part of The Empire Strikes Back 40th Anniversary lineup, Han Solo (Carbonite) is repainted and comes with nothing else but a three-part display stand. You can see our full gallery and review early RIGHT HERE.
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The Jabba’s Palace Adventure Playset is currently marked down to $44.67 as of this post. It might be a great time to pick it up!
Update: Marked down to $39.99 $34.99 for Cyber Monday!
The Walmart exclusive TVC Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Set) is the hybrid of many perfect things. It’s why it’s selling out the moment it goes back in stock. And it’s why we are still talking about it after so many posts. But today I noticed something that concerns me. (more….)
In case you’re not aware from reading this detail in our review yet, the carded figures in Jabba’s Palace Adventure Playset don’t arrive in perfect condition. Ree-Yees is in better shape than Han Solo (Carbonite) because it lays against the side of the box. But Han Solo (Carbonite) has less support. This is an issue because of the way Hasbro packaged the, essentially floating around inside of the box without much support. This isn’t a Walmart issue. You can see how they’re packaged by clicking HERE. I am sure that time outside of the box laying flatly will help return the cared figures to their original shape, but please note that they may not arrive in ideal form.
Holy mackerel. I am dumbfounded by The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Set). This is what I had wished for TVC since its inception back in 2010. And although it took almost a decade to happen, Hasbro finally gets it. When it comes to scenery and playsets and other things required to make the 3.75″ super-articulated masterpieces look more beautiful, this is one of the ways to do it. Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Set) comes with a solid plastic diorama of a cut of Jabba’s Palace. It then interacts wonderfully with the two figures exclusively included here, but also with so many other beautiful action figures produced years ago.
Exclusively included are TVC-carded versions of Han Solo (Carbonite) (VC136) and Ree-Yees (VC137). Han Solo disappointingly doesn’t come with “photorealistic” technology, but his paint operations are slightly improved from the 2015 release. His carbonite block is magnetized this time and hangs properly within the walls of Jabba’s Palace. Still, he’s based on The Empire Strikes Back, so we need a ROTJ-specific version of him. Seeing him carded this time in TVC-packaging is nice. Ree-Yees is markedly improved. The eyes look better than ever, and his coloring is brighter and more profound like it should be. And in all honesty, were it not for an exclusive retail set like this, we may have never gotten Ree-Yees packaged in The Vintage Collection. Both figures are a tremendous enhancement to this retailer exclusive, and make the $49.99 MSRP completely worth it for us.
The review is coming tomorrow, but feel free to check out the full gallery and other parts of the review right now. We worked up some cool scenes for you to enjoy and spent some time putting everything together for some screen-accurate presentations. Please leave your thoughts in the comments and be sure to come back for the full review tomorrow. By the way, our sample has a defect. The tauntaun’s right horn isn’t attached correctly, so we got stuck with an odd-looking trophy. Don’t let the error affect your appreciation of this set. Click HERE to check it out!
With special thanks to JTA reader coreworld, we have a first look at the Walmart exclusive Jabbas Palace Adventure set. It looks fantastic. Sadly, Han Solo did not receive “photorealistic” technology. That is a huge disappointment, but he looks worlds better than the TBS [P2] release. Click the images below to check it out. And leave your thoughts in our comments!
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