It seems that some media outlets and some fans are trying to blame The Rise of Skywalker’s mixed results on fans, and here the “whiny” Original Trilogy fans, also members of the “Fandom Menace”, all the fans who loudly complained about the treatment of Original Trilogy characters in the sequels. They prevented the other fans from enjoying the “new” Star Wars, and in the end convinced Lucasfilm to try to appease the old fanbase with The Rise of Skywalker.
But is that so? I disagree. Why? Click through for a discussion, a discussion about fandom and why blaming certain parts of fandom is dishonest and trying to deflect from the actual issues. This essay is not 100% spoiler-free, so if you haven’t seen The Rise of Skywalker you may want to return here once you did! Everyone else: click through for the world’s best piece of Harry Potter fanfiction ever! Yes, we are going to read some Harry Potter fanfiction! Written by me. And I am the bestest writer evar! Trust me! 😀
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