Clone Pilot (Firing Cannon!) - Hasbro - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Tag Archives: Hyper Real

Longtime JTA reader and friend Robert F. visited his local Ollie’s only to find a slew of new discounted Hasbro Star Wars products. Two are Walmart exclusives, and the other didn’t make it further than online. It’s amazing to see how much product never arrived in stores by visiting your local Ollie’s. Many never saw the “Force Spirit” Yoda at their local Walmarts. No one wanted a 5POA cardboard playset. And even fewer collectors anted a new scale of rubbery hyper-articulated action figures known as Hyper Real. if Hasbro is smart, they’ll stick to what sells: TBS6, TVC, and stay away from the ST like it’s the toxic wasteland it is. You have to wonder what the heck is going on at the distribution centers.


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Isn’t the HyperReal line supposed to give collectors realistic interpretations of on-screen characters? Then why does Luke Skywalker look more like a 5″ Galaxy of Adventures figure instead? Thank the Maker we won’t be seeing any more of these. See why this figure is a disappointment. (more….)

Luke Skywalker

Thank you for reading Research Droids Reviews: Season 12!

Posted in Research Droids Reviews: Season 12
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We have a lengthy review on The Black Series Hyper Real Darth Vader, which will hopefully tell you everything you need to know about the brand new figure. Oh, and we also have a large photo gallery too! Check it out in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.

Darth Vader

Posted in Research Droids Reviews
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UPDATE: Hyper Real Darth Vader Only $49.99 On Amazon!

Yeah, even Amazon thinks $79.99 is ridiculous for a Hasbro figure. They’ve listed the Hyper Real Darth Vader for $49.99 with Prime. Hurry! Thanks to Cybereye for the alert!

UPDATE: Hyper Real Darth Vader is now $79.99! They must have been alerted to their mistake!

Posted in Online Promotions
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Toy Fair 2019: Hasbro Hyper Real Official Press Images

Hasbro and Litzky PR have released official PRESS IMAGES of the new reveals today at Toy Fair. Here is the Hyper Real gallery!

Posted in Hasbro