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Tag Archives: I’m bored

The Most Favorite Friendship In Star Wars

Apparently there is something like an “International Day of Friendship”, and to celebrate this joyous occasion the official Star Wars Twitter wanted to know what Star Wars friendship is the most popular one. And the results are just in:

Now I think this result is maybe not all that surprising. But a whopping 92% voted for an OT friendship? The comments on Twitter are priceless….
And while Rey, Finn, Poe and BB-8 go to the next bar to have a drink or ten to forget about the results, I wonder why they only had four friendships to choose from here… what about Luke & Han, Luke & R2, Poe & Finn, Ahsoka & Anakin, Hux & no one, and of course the best friends for life: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, what an oversight! Also: Finn in the Rey friend zone is confirmed, just like that, brutal! Reylo fans worldwide dance in the streets now. Anyway… what is your favorite Star Wars friendship? Leave your insightful and witty thoughts in the comments! And yes, don’t take any of that too seriously please 😉

Posted in General News