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Tag Archives: J.W. Rinzler

Marcia Lucas Really Doesn't Like The Sequels

A book about the Star Wars producer Howard Kazanjian titled Howard Kazanjian: A Producer’s Life by late author J.W. Rinzler was released posthumously last week. For the book Rinzler also interviewed Marcia Lucas, who won an Oscar for her editing work on A New Hope. She was very instrumental back in the 1970s to make the original Star Wars the movie we all love. She also worked on the other two original trilogy movies, but her work was uncredited. In the new Rinzler book Marcia Lucas doesn’t mince words when it comes to the sequel trilogy. She outright says that neither Kennedy nor Abrams “get the magic of Star Wars”. Click through for the full quote.

Marcia and George Lucas

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J.W. Rinzler is an author of various “The Making of…” Star Wars books and former Executive Editor for Lucasfilm. He was with the company for 15 years and had begun work on his “The Making of The Force Awakens” book when things fell apart. Perhaps you remember Rinzler’s blog and the story revolving around his canceled “The Making of The Force Awakens” book. Eventually Rinzler’s blog, where he wanted to go into more detail, was deleted and Rinzler had to sign an NDA with Disney that basically forbids him from talking about many things Star Wars fans are really interested in.
But yesterday the ForceCast podcast, the official podcast of, had J.W. Rinzler as a guest and while he still cannot really divulge concrete details, he did talk a bit about the transition when Disney took over Lucasfilm. And what may be of interest to toy collectors, he also talks about what changed for licensees, like Hasbro. Click through for more details!

J.W. Rinzler

J.W. Rinzler

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