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Tag Archives: Jabba’s Sail Barge (The Khetanna)

The Barge Reaches 2000 Backers

We’ve hit another milestone today, hitting the 2000 mark with 36 days to go. What are you waiting for? Back the Barge! Thanks to JTA reader Agustín for the alert and screenshot!

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Hasbro Is Advertising HasLab, But Could They Do More?

It does appear as if Hasbro is doing its part in advertising Jabba’s Sail Barge (The Khetanna). I have received multiple emails since Toy Fair, and each has something about this HasLab initiative in it. I personally feel Hasbro should be tagging celebrity Star Wars fans/collectors like Chris Hartwick and Donald Faison (amongst MANY others) on Twitter and Facebook to spread the word. There are some people out there that are influenced by celebrities that they’d probably buy one just to believe they’re making the celebrity happy. (Sarcasm, folks.)

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It Was A Good Time To Back Another Barge

It seemed like the perfect time to back another Jabba’s Sail Barge (The Khetanna). Be sure you back at least one too!

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I have an honest question for you, so I am seeking genuine answers. For those of you on the fence with backing Jabba’s Sail Barge (The Khetanna), if Hasbro included the highly sought-after Salacious Crumb (VC66) and Mouse Droid (VC67) miniature carded figures, would that be enough to make you take the plunge? They almost never show up on eBay anymore, are HUGE holes for 95% of The Vintage Collection collectors, and go for ridiculous amounts of money on eBay. (Click either thumbnails below to see what I mean.) Let us know your thoughts in our comments. It would cost next to nothing for Hasbro to produce these and add them to this campaign as a bonus. I believe that bonus/exclusive carded figures in this campaign are what is going to push people over to deciding yes.


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If you’re curious to learn more about what is actually inside the interior of Jabba’s Sail Barge (The Khetanna), we have found a great resource online entitled Star Wars Technical Commentaries and the site provides evidence of the many things Hasbro’s 3D model has included. You’ll learn things you never knew before. For example, the baby rancor gargoyle and the Ishi Tib gargoyle are really from the film! Oh, and remember to BACK THE BARGE!

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Don't Have $500 In One Fell Swoop? How About $91 A Month?

Here is a tip for you that might make the backing of Jabba’s Sail Barge (The Khetanna) a reality if $500 is just too much at once for your budget. We have NO IDEA why Hasbro gave us all such a sudden and short window to promote and support this item, but here is an option for you that might be more realistic.If you back this vehicle using PayPal Credit, the $500 won’t charge until April 3rd, and then you have six months to pay it off, which comes to about $91 a month. It’s an option for those who are waiting for income tax return checks and who just need more time to save up money. Good luck. Special thanks to JTA reader Jimmy K. for the idea. Back the Khetanna HERE. (Remember, we are NOWHERE near making this a reality yet.)

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Hasbro has sent us an update to the international availability of the HasLab Khetanna Sail Barge. Click through for the update!

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10 Things More Expensive And Less Important Than The Sail Barge

We have compiled a Top 10 list of things that are more expensive but less important than the HasLab Sail Barge. Click through and see if we can hopefully motivate your butt to purchase this thing. Time is RUNNING OUT and we’re not even close to making this a reality yet!

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There is rightfully a lot of angst with international collectors over securing the Khetanna Sail Barge. If you currently live outside the USA, this is YOUR CHANCE to let Hasbro know that you desperately want to back this great vehicle. In our comments, please express your desire to back this item and also please list your country. This will give Hasbro a baseline of what they may need to do next to get international collectors to become a part of this campaign. Hasbro is watching, so be sure to leave your comments right away!

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