The next two cards from the weekly Topps Star Wars Living Set are now out. Featuring the iconic blue starfield and the impressive artwork of Kris Penix, check out Am (#431) and Karre (#432). Two new cards will be released each Tuesday and only be available for one week. Click here to view the entire Star Wars Living archive, including individual print runs.
Now this is very unexpected. Target in the US just revealed two brand new SH Figuarts Star Wars action figures based on Star Wars Visions. The twins Am and Karre! This is potentially big news because Bandai only has a license for Japan, this is the first time an SHF Star Wars action figure is officially (not as an import) distributed in the US! Maybe Hasbro’s license does not cover anime figures?
You can preorder Am and Karre at Target! Price per figure is $84.99. No word yet when Japanese etailers may offer them of it they will also be sold officially in Europe now! It’s certainly very welcome that SH Figuarts offers Visions merchandise! There is so much more they could do! What other Visions figures would you love to see?
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