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Tag Archives: Kessel Mine Escape

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Holy cow! The Walmart exclusive Kessel Mine Escape playset is less than $10 at Walmart online. Special thanks to JTA reader and friend Mark for the alert! If you want to know why you need this fun set, see our review of it HERE!

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The Star Wars [Solo] line has ended, but we have a few more things to add to the Visual Guide. Tonight we are adding the Walmart exclusive Kessel Mine Escape playset. Click below to check out our detailed Visual Guide, and make sure to revisit our full review of this set right here.

Kessel Mine Escape - Star Wars [Solo] - Playsets

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Well, the Kessel Mine Escape Walmart exclusive playset finally got released, but it’s another disappointment. Find out why in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or even comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.

Kessel Mine Escape

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The Walmart Exclusive Kessel Mine Escape Playset Is Torturous

Sigh. After an inexplicable delay, the Walmart exclusive Kessel Mine Escape playset is now available to those that want it at Walmart.com. To date, it hasn’t arrived at any brick and mortar stores yet. It’s much more compact than the Vandor-1 Heist playset. (Vandor-1 Heist is much more enjoyable as a playset item, FYI.) Hasbro approached the Kessel Mine Escape playset all wrong. Torturing us with “painted on” droids and no-name Wookiees, it looks like the only option we have to get these fantastic characters is two-dimensionally as painted-on characters. And we get another unwanted Han Solo figure as our pack-in here. Of particular note, droid DD-BD is shown on the products’ packaging but is nowhere to be found on the actual playset. Is that a future figure coming down the pike, or did the artwork on this set change before release? Anyhow, we hope that Hasbro gets all of the characters featured on this playset released some day. They’re all beautiful characters that deserve to populate the Star Wars [Solo] line. Our review is coming soon, but you can check out a very rough gallery right now by visiting our Research Droids Review on it now. You can order this set at Walmart.com right now if you wish too.

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