Rey (Starkiller Base) - Hasbro - The Force Awakens (2015)
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Tag Archives: kickstarter

Time is running out to back the Star Wars Toy Guide: Vol 1 – Kenner Action Figures Kickstarter. Click here to visit the Kickstarter page. Let’s get this project backed!

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For those interested, the Kickstarter Campaign for the Star Wars Toy Guide: Vol 1: – Kenner Action Figures 1977-1985 is coming to a close and still needs help to be funded. This looks to be a beautiful guide to Vintage Kenner figures, so if you are just catching on to this you may want to check this out and help get this funded. Click here for the Kickstarter page to check out some sample pages and what’s involved in this project. 


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There is a new Kickstarter project for the Star Wars Toy Catalogue of Kenner Action Figures. It is one of the most comprehensive books produced for the classic Kenner line which ran from 1978 to 1985. It includes every known card back variation, offer, and anything else you’d want to know about the Kenner Star Wars line. Check it out!!


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If you grew up with the vintage Kenner line, then you need to check out this Kickstarter project for Volume II of Kenner Star Wars Photography – The Empire Strikes Back, by former Kenner photographer Kim Simmons. Click through for more!

Full Story

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It has exceeded $100K now! New stretch goals have been added to Star Wars The Vintage Collection Archive Edition Book. If it reaches the $150,000 goal, there will be a fantastic benefit added. Former Kenner photographer Kim Simmons will recreate his reverse-side masterpiece from the 1984 Star Wars is Forever mail-away poster using The Vintage Collection action figures and vehicles. The 18×22-inch poster comes folded in a mailer envelope, like the original.

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Blue Milk's TVC Book Is A Success!

Blue Milk’s Kickstarter project is a success! The Vintage Collection book by Derryl DePriest, Rich Alot and D Martin Myatt has left the mininum goal of $50,000 far behind and is already on its way to reach the final $100,000 stretch goal. At the time I write this article the project is only a few hundred dollars short of the $80,000 goal, which will give the book special fold-out entries for the Millennium Falcon and the Khetanna. It’s certainly only a matter of hours or a few days until the $100,000 goal is reached.
The project has 575 backers at the moment. One fan gave $5,000 and 2 fans gave $2,500. If you want the backer reward for the $2,500 contribution (you will be listed as a producer at the front of the book and get a carded Haslab Yakface, among other things), one more reward is available!
So, congratulations to the Blue Milk team! And if anyone wants to secure their copy of the book, you have 36 more days to back the project!

Update: the $80,000 stretch goal has been reached!

Star Wars The Vintage Collection Archive Edition Book

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Diorama Parts! Support Hole in the Ground Productions!

Dioramas are cool. Supporting hobbyists is even cooler. Hole in the Ground Productions has been making resin cast diorama parts for years, and are trying to take things to the next level, but your help is needed! So many people supported the barge around these parts, and a much smaller investment could go a long way in backing a supplier of amazing diorama pieces and getting those pieces into our dioramas.

If you want to contribute but it’s not as convenient at the moment, don’t worry. There is a minimum option for only a donation of $8 and it still gets you some new diorama parts. If you collect 6″ figures, there is an option for you. Click the image below to view their main perk24 injection molded functional diorama pieces for only $50!!

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