Han Solo (BD 31) [Stormtrooper Disguise] - Hasbro - The Legacy Collection (2009)
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Tag Archives: Legacy Collection [2]

Hasbro, It's Time For An Answer To #wheresrex?

I don’t know about you, but I can’t take it anymore. Since 2013, Hasbro showed 3.75″ super-articulated collectors a stellar version of a Phase I Captain Rex. Then Attack Of The Clones 3D didn’t happen. Then Legacy Collection “2” was canceled, and Hasbro threw out this baby with the bathwater. For years, JTA and other fansites have asked, begged, and screamed at Hasbro about why they haven’t released this incredible action figure yet. Well, now it’s time. If Hasbro doesn’t release this figure NOW, they are a terrible company. The Clone Wars just ended, and we still don’t have this figure or an announcement of it. NOW IS THE TIME! Remember that ridiculous hashtag in 2015 (#wheresrey)? Let’s get is going again with one letter changed. The Vintage Collection collectors demand to know #wheresrex?

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Do you remember THIS HUGE SURPRISE from a couple of years ago that shockingly showed up online (as well as a few random loose figures at store locations)? The full case assortment doesn’t even make an appearance on eBay anymore. How many of the couple hundred collectors who bought the complete set online still have their set? Hasbro denied that any were produced and released, yet a couple of hundred cases made its way to Calendars. It’s a terrible shame this collection got canceled. It was home to the yet-to-be-released Clone Captain Rex and A-wing Pilot in addition to the Build A Droid R5-X2 and R8-B7. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Hasbro finally got all four of those remaining figures released one day? You can see all of the officially released Legacy Collection [2] figures in detail HERE.

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JTA Presents: Evolutions - Pablo-Jill

Welcome to another one our JTA Presents: Evolutions features! Let’s check out how close or far we are from having an ideal Hasbro 3.75″ Pablo-Jill action figure. Have we arrived at definitive status yet? Weigh in and let us know what conclusion you’ll come to by clicking through and adding your two cents in the comments!


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The Clone Wars Are Back, So Get Canceled Captain Rex Out!

Here is a better idea for a basic figure release than Darth Revan! Hasbro, all of us have pleaded for years now begging you to get out the canceled and never-released Captain Rex figure from the planned but then canceled Legacy Collection [2] lineup. In case you weren’t aware, The Clone Wars television show is returning, and we’re confident fans would rejoice knowing you were going to finally make that canceled and super-articulated 2013 Captain Rex (Phase I) figure a part of The Vintage Collection. We hope you take the advice of the collecting community this time in support of The Clone Wars’ return. We need this figure desperately. For those of you unaware, Hasbro planned this figure for 2013’s Legacy Collection [2]. The line was canceled and only a few cases of wave 1 made it out. They’re some of the rarest figures in the Star Wars brand to date. However, Captain Rex is one of four figures that didn’t make it out at all. An A-wing Pilot and two Build A Droid figures (R5-X2 and R8-B7) are also unreleased as of today.

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