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Tag Archives: Leia Organa

The next two cards from the weekly Topps Star Wars Living Set are now out. Featuring the iconic blue starfield and the impressive artwork of Kris Penix, check out Leia Organa (#467) and Freya Fenris (#468). Two new cards will be released each Tuesday and only be available for one week. Click here to view the entire Star Wars Living archive, including individual print runs.

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Reminder That Funko Continues To Give Fans What They Want

This has been revealed earlier this week (on Yahoo Entertainment), but I’d still like to point out that once again Funko is not only the first to market, but also the first and only company to even have the figures at all: Jedi Training Luke and Leia from the The Rise of Skywalker flashback scene. Opinions about the movie may be divided, but almost anyone would agree that the third sequel was the most toyetic of the three episodes. And even though sequel based merchandise does not necessarily sell like hot cakes, I would think that OT based figures from a flashback scene might find a lot of fans, no matter the scale, of course this could be released in both lines. Who wouldn’t want a Jedi Knight Leia and Jedi Master Luke in their prime on the shelf?
Would you want these two figures at least from The Rise of Skywalker, or do you think Hasbro should forget the sequels altogether and focus on The Mandalorian and missing OT/PT figures instead, provided there are only so many release slots and the number of figures each year is rather limited?

Funko Pop Luke & Leia

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Star Wars Heroes: A Closer Look

Ever since the new wave of Star Wars movies were released fans have been debating about the new characters, the heroes and the villains – but it is especially Rey who is scrutinized and sometimes unfairly criticized as being a Mary Sue. However, there’s still this feeling by quite a few fans that Rey lacks something. Or does she? And if she does, what is it? Click through for a closer look at Star Wars heroes!

The Heroes of Star Wars

Full Story

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Hot Toys Announces The Last Jedi: Leia Organa Sixth-Scale Figure

Hot Toys has announced on Facebook their new The Last Jedi Leia Organa Sixth-Scale Figure. Take a look at the new preview gallery here.

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