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Tag Archives: Litzky PR

Jedi Temple Archives was invited to an exclusive Google Hangout session with Hasbro earlier today. We partnered with Star Wars Action News and our pals at Bantha Skull to ask a series of burning questions we had about the first HasLab campaign. The Hasbro Team talked about the recently revealed painted Jabba’s Sail Barge prototype and exclusive Yak Face figure. Then we were offered the opportunity to ask the Hasbro Team our questions, one at a time, by each fan site represented until the Q&A time expired. Finally, Hasbro gave us an intimate look at the painted Jabba’s Sail Barge with close-ups and verbally described its many unique features. We’d like to thank Hasbro for taking time out of their day to do this Google Hangout session with us, and we appreciate Litzky PR for coordinating it. They also have provided NEW and EXCLUSIVE images of some of the finer details of this beautiful vessel. Click through for more!

*There are secrets in this image – Find out what they are!

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Hasbro Releases Jabba's Sail Barge Shipping Box Dimensions

It may be the Ides of March, but Hasbro remains happy and positive about Jabba’s Sail Barge and sends us exclusive information on the item’s shipping box. Since Jabba’s Sail Barge is now more than halfway to reaching its goal, Hasbro would love to say thank you for the amazing support behind this HasLab initiative by moving forward with the reveal of another exciting tidbit! Please see the attached exclusive image of Hasbro’s own Mark Boudreaux holding the Barge’s white box mock-up for scale. You’ve been curious to see how this will come packaged, now the official box size has been revealed.

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Last night we received a special delivery from Litzky PR and Hasbro: the Battle On Crait multipack and a free digital download of The Last Jedi. We thank them for this package. Click the image below to see it. You can read our review of it HERE.

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Solo: A Star Wars Story Product Leaks Online

Thank you to everyone texting, emailing and posting news about the recent Solo: A Star Wars Story toy from Hasbro leaks coming out of the Nuremberg ToyFair event. We have reached out to Litzky PR, and they have stated that the information is unofficial, so we are unable to link to it or present it here. They asked us to hold tight until something more official gets released by them. Thank you for your patience.

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