C-3PO - Hasbro - Star Wars [The Last Jedi] (2017)
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Tag Archives: Malakili


Well, it seems Hasbro DOES actually listen to fan feedback! They just announced that the Rancor Keeper Malakili will be added to the Rancor! He will come uncarded and will be added to the Rancor as no additional tier, instead he will come no matter what, as soon as the Rancor receives funding. Right now, the Rancor has 4,763 backers. It will need to almost double that number in the next six days to be successful!

So, what is your opinion? Will it change your mind and will you back the Rancor now? Or is it too little too late?

In my opinion Hasbro could have avoided much drama if they had included Malakili from the very beginning. It’s apparent Hasbro hoped to get away with as little as possible, but the fans have spoken. It’s welcome that Hasbro has listened. However, if would be even better if fans didn’t have to voice their displeasure so vehemently for Hasbro to do something! It’s pretty apparent they are quite desperate so late in the campaign.

Click through for Hasbro’s full statement!

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Welcome to another entry in our The Vintage Collection: The Ninety Six column. Hasbro recently committed to collectors that they will be “focusing” on characters in The Vintage Collection that fall under “The Ninety Six” banner. If you’re new to this, it means that there needs a modern counterpart for every classic Kenner figure. Between 2020 and 2021, Hasbro’s made an admirable effort by focusing on these characters. But there is more work to be done, and we’ll figure out where we are step by step. Today we assess Rancor Keeper.

Rancor Keeper

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The next two cards from the weekly Topps Star Wars Living Set are now out. Featuring the iconic blue starfield and the impressive artwork of Kris Penix, check out Alexsandr Kallus (#187) and Malakili (#188). Each Tuesday, two new cards will be released and be only available for one week. Click here to view the entire Star Wars Living archive, including individual print runs.


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1984 RETURN OF THE JEDI Rancor Keeper: Trilogo Update

In 1984, new packaging for Star Wars figures was introduced for the European market. A cost containment initiative, the new packaging sported three languages of the Return Of The Jedi logo for a “one size fits all” approach. Although a “three-logo” design was created for The Power Of The Force line (as evidenced on some ‘boxed’ toys), it wasn’t carried over to the basic figure line’s card design. They continued to use the three Return Of The Jedi logos instead. Although the word “Trilogo” is found nowhere on the packaging, the term is universally adopted by all Star Wars collectors to describe this line of figures.

Today we revisit Rancor Keeper. The Trilogo card art is different than the Kenner version, with the most notable difference of the light blue background. The figure’s name was also changed to Rancor Keeper (Gardien du Rancor Monster) for the Trilogo release. See the full card art and additional notes by revisiting 1984’s RETURN OF THE JEDI Rancor Keeper figure HERE.

Rancor Keeper (Gardien du Rancor Monster)

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Vintage Kenner RDRs Redux: Rancor Keeper - ROTJ - 1984

Review: Rancor Keeper - ROTJ - Vintage Kenner

We continue to our “Turning Ewokese” marathon with the Rancor Keeper. He’s an odd choice but needed to upkeep the Rancor beast. Relive your memories of this classic 1984 action figure in our Research Droids Reviews today. Be sure to add your own experiences to the conversation! Reminisce your own childhood stories of this figure in our comments. Share your life-changing vintage Kenner adolescent experiences with us!

Rancor Keeper

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