Luke Skywalker (BD51) - Hasbro - Legacy Collection (2009)
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Tag Archives: Mandalorian Stormtrooper

SH-Figuarts seem to be on a roll. We only got official announcements for the Mandalorian and the Emperor today, when brand new photos of various (!) Knights of Ren, IG-11 and a repainted Scout trooper and Stormtrooper (from the Mandalorian, with weathered armor!) appear in the wild. The photos were taken at a showroom. Now these are all just prototypes, nothing was announced, but IG-11, for example, is actually an accurate representation of the droid, which means he has the proper claws! Now if only IG-11 has a good height, SHF is usually not so keen on giving tall characters an accurate height, while all the human characters usually have perfect scale. But chances are this IG droid will use very sturdy plastic! And after the lackluster IG-11 from Hasbro a screen accurate IG-11 from SHF could be just what collectors need! It remains to be seen if the KoR will go into production, maybe SHF is waiting for fan response to TROS; so far SHF only has Rey, Kylo and one Sith Trooper for TROS lined up, not very much. SHF love to reveal prototypes of figures that sometimes go into production next month, two years later or never. It remains to be seen what applies here! Click through for a few more photos!


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