If you were fortunate enough to be actively collecting when The Legacy Collection launched, you were aware of some awesome products Hasbro reissued. They were so good we bought them a second time in the revised packaging. The Fett Legacy Evolutions set was one of these reissues, but it came with a few changes/updates that bettered the 30 (77-07) version. Find out more in our Research Droids Reviews today. Be sure to leave your own thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or even leave comments about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your own personal review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
Check out the correspondence chain JTA reader Peter V. received from Hasbro customer service regarding his plight trying to find Fenn Rau from the Rogue One line. Click the thumbnail below for more.
What’s the deal with Fenn Rau? You can’t really find him cheaper than $40 on eBay. And so far in the USA he’s the sole figure in the last Rogue One wave that hasn’t been offered as a solid case pack. We have reached out to Hasbro TWICE about this figure and as of this post have received no answer regarding his status. It’s almost as if they don’t mind that you pay this much for him. My gut is that he will be carried forward into The Last Jedi line (by their non-response), but I don’t have complete confidence on that. If you click below, you will see the desperation for this figure as so many have no qualms about paying this much per figure. Special thanks to JTA reader Gman G. for alerting us to this obscene auction on eBay.
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