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Tag Archives: Mark Hamill

Mark Hamill shows his sentimentality on Twitter as revealed by his May 9th tweet. The actor admits that knowing he’s played Luke Skywalker for the last time is a bittersweet thing. Cinema Blend has the full story.

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Luke Skywalker fans looking for the ultimate collector’s item can pick up one of 25 signed light side jackets signed by Mark Hamill with the message “May the Force be with you” starting Friday, Dec. 6. They can grab a jacket for $900 with all proceeds going to college access programs and scholarships selected by Hamill.  To purchase, fans can visit one of 4 Columbia-branded retail locations when doors open Friday –  New York, NY; Buena Vista, FL; Downtown Portland Flagship, OR; Minneapolis, MN; and Seattle, WA.


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The Official Star Wars Website Lists The Top 10 Luke Quotes...

… and Mark Hamill appends an 11th quote on Twitter…

Mark Hamill Tweet

Click to see original tweet

It seems Mark is still not all too happy about the extent of his role and number of lines in The Force Awakens, even after all those years. Chances are he will talk more in The Rise of Skywalker again, being dead is barely an inconvenience for a Jedi, after all. And who knows, maybe the movie will even add another timeless Luke Skywalker quote. What could it be? “Rey, you are my aunt?!?! That’s not true! That’s impossible!”? “Don’t call me Shirley!”? or “If only I had picked up those power converters at Tosche Station!” What do you think could be a great Luke quote for Episode IX? Leave your constructive thoughts and helpful suggestions (JJ is still editing the movie, maybe he needs some inspiration for last second pick up shoots!) in the comments! Let’s have some fun!

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Mark Hamill Believes Star Wars Fatigue May Be Real

Mark Hamill was a guest on the Hollywood Reporter’s Awards Chatter podcast the other day and during the podcast he shared his thoughts about the current state of the Star Wars franchise. When asked if audiences may be tiring of Star Wars, this is what he replied:

“Yes,” Hamill said. “I’m not gonna tell them how to run their business, but is there a possibility of ‘Star Wars fatigue’? Yeah, I think there is. I’ve experienced it, to a certain degree. But they never listen to my ideas anyway, so who needs ’em?”

Perhaps Mark’s opinion on the current state of the franchise should worry Disney? Also, you cannot help but always feel a certain level of disappointment in Mark Hamill’s words when he speaks about Star Wars these days. And you can’t shake off the felling that Mark is not entirely convinced Disney is doing the right thing with Star Wars. So, what do you think? Is there Star Wars fatigue? I am not entirely sure there is, I think Star Wars merely needs fresh ideas, all new characters and movies that are not beholden to the OT era so much with rehashed ideas and nostalgia. Star Wars needs to move forward. Leave your thoughts in the comments!

Mark Hamill

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Mark Hamill Vows Not To Talk About New Star Wars Movies

You certainly remember Mark Hamill’s remarks about The Last Jedi. How he was less than happy about the choices Rian Johnson made for the character of Luke Skywalker. Most famous is Mark Hamill’s remark that his character in The Last Jedi was not the Luke we know, but “Jake Skywalker”, someone else. Expect much less of these remarks leading up to Episode IX, however. In a recent interview Mark says that he vowed not to talk about the movies anymore, because it got him into trouble. Read more after the jump!

Mark Hamill

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The State Of Mark Hamill's Beard And Hair

Mark Hamill posted a current photo of himself on Instagram. He was finally attending The Mousetrap play in London, which he originally meant to do back in 1976 when he was in London for A New Hope. But what is of note here is Mark Hamill’s look, it’s almost youthful. He is clean shaven and his hair is short with little grey in it.

So let the speculation begin… will Mark Hamill be de-aged for Episode IX and a flashback sequence? Do Force ghosts have barbers? Or did he get a new haircut and finally shaved his beard only after filming wrapped? The production in Pinewood has come to an end recently.

Mark Hamill

Mark Hamill having fun in London. I edited the photo on the upper left and adjusted the exposure so you can better see Mark’s face

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Mark Hamill Answers A Star Wars Fan Question On Twitter

Mark Hamill received a question by a concerned Star Wars fan on Twitter who wanted to learn more about Luke’s motivations in The Last Jedi. And Mark Hamill, the kind man that he is, replied to the fan and gave him an answer. Click through for all the details!

Mark Hamill

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Filming officially begins August 1st for Episode IX, and casting details have been revealed. It looks like we will be getting Carrie Fisher after all, along with Mark Hamill and Billy Dee Williams. Get the full details over at!

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Mark Hamill Shaved His Beard!

Yes, it’s true. The beard is no more. Mark Hamill posted a photo of a new gift he received from Sideshow Collectibles (a Joker cane) on Twitter and in the photo you can see a clean shaven Mark (makes him look 20 years younger). Now, what could that mean? Flashback scene in IX with a digitally de-aged Mark Hamill (think Michael Douglas in Ant-Man)? Maybe all of IX will be a flashback? Maybe Force ghosts have no beards (shut up, Obi-Wan!) or maybe Mark just learned his services are no longer needed, now that Lando will steal the show? Let the speculations begin! 😉

Mark Hamill, sans beard, sans shirt

Mark Hamill, beardless and shirtless

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The Last Jedi Wins Three Saturn Awards!

Congratulations are in order for The Last Jedi, which won three Saturn Awards, an award that honors science fiction, fantasy and horror movies. Click through for the winners and further details!

Saturn Awards

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Even though Solo is currently in cinemas and dominates the news, there is some Episode IX tidbit today. Colin Trevorrow, who was originally slated to direct Episode IX, has recently given an interview to Empire Magazine. And while he did not go into details, he had at least something to say about his work for Lucasfilm and his version of Episode IX. And then Colin Trevorrow tweeted something that might let us all know what he thinks of current Star Wars. Mark Hamill chimed in too!  Click through for more details.

Colin Trevorrow

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WARNING! SPOILERS! Mark Hamill let it slip that a major Star Wars character will appear in Solo: A Star Wars Story. The Huffington Post has the full story.

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Even though Solo: A Star Wars Story is on the horizon and The Last Jedi a hazy memory of the past already, there’s still some promo work for the latest trilogy movie. For the European disc release of The Last Jedi Mark Hamill did some promotion work in Ireland and gave interviews. French magazine Le Point published their interview with Mark Hamill yesterday. And Mark Hamill had a few things to say about The Last Jedi and Star Wars in general. Click through to read about it.

Beating A Dead Horse

The author of this article hard at work

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Mark Hamill's Enjoyment Of Star Wars Is Tarnished

In a recent interview with ABC News Mark Hamill was asked about his prospective return to the Star Wars franchise in Episode IX. He still feels the loss of Carrie Fisher and what he said gives food for thought. Click through to find out what he said.

Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher

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Rian Johnson Forgot About C-3PO In The Last Jedi

Luke’s appearance on Crait is one of the touching moments of The Last Jedi. Luke gets a chance to say farewell to Leia. And then walks out to confront the First Order and Kylo Ren. But isn’t there something missing? Yes, there is. Click here to find out what is missing!

Luke and C-3PO in The Last Jedi

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The Last Jedi Wins Big At 2018's Empire Awards

British magazine Empire held its Empire Awards ceremony last Sunday. The winners for each category are voted by the readers of the magazine.
And even though it is believed by some that 50% of the fans hate The Last Jedi, at least the British readers of Empire Magazine thought differently and the movie won a couple of awards. Which ones? Click here to find out more!

Empire Awards 2018

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Mark Hamill Talks About Luke Skywalker Action Figures

Mark Hamill took to social media to share the evolution of the Luke Skywalker action figure over the last 40 years and gave some humorous commentary on the four Star Wars toys that he chose. Hamill is an avid user of social media and is always interacting with fans who seem to hit him up all day, every day. The 66-year old actor doesn’t seem to mind and takes the time when he can to properly interact with the millions of Star Wars fans all over the world. has the full story.

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Mark Hamill To Receive Hollywood Star

Congratulations goes out to Mark Hamill for he will soon be receiving his Hollywood Star! Variety has the full story!

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Mark Hamill Reveals Original Ending To The Force Awakens

Mark Hamill has revealed the original intended ending for The Force Awakens that Rian Johnson changed. Uh-oh, Mark. Maybe you should seal those lips of yours. Aren’t you in enough hot water with Disney’s legal team for bashing your onscreen character? All kidding aside, check out the article.

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Regrets? Or Pressures From The House Of Mouse?

The Disney lawyers must be leaning hard on Mark Hamill. (Or, that’s what I like to pretend in my head when an actor who formally talked trash about a Disney Star Wars film suddenly has a change of heart.) USA Today posts and update to Mark Hamill’s recent revelations.

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Mark Hamill: The Last Jedi #notmylukeskywalker

Oh man. This is priceless folks. The man who played Luke Skywalker says exactly what I feel. He even refers to the Disney Star Wars version of Luke Skywalker as “Jake Skywalker.” Affirmation (from those who matter) is a beautiful thing.

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Tons Of GMA Interviews With The Cast Of TLJ

Good Morning America sat down with…well, nearly everyone from The Last Jedi. There’s some interesting things and they’re definitely worth a watch. More after the jump.

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Mark Hamill generated a lot of conversation after he stated that he fundamentally disagreed with The Last Jedi director Rian Johsnon about direction of Luke’s story. Variety caught up Hamill at the Tony Awards and he clarified his recent comments. Hamill said, “I got in trouble, because I was quoted as saying to Rian that I fundamentally disagree with everything you decided about Luke, and it was inartfully phrased. What I was, was surprised at how he saw Luke. And it took me a while to get around to his way of thinking, but once I was there it was a thrilling experience.” Check out the full video! 

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