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Avengers Endgame broke all box office records when it was released. However, 24 days into the release of the movie it becomes obvious that Endgame will not be able to beat the domestic box office results of The Force Awakens. The Force Awakens had very, very strong legs, especially for a modern day blockbuster movie, and Avengers Endgame just can’t keep up. So The Force Awakens will remain the number 1 movie on the domestic alltime box office charts in the USA (unadjusted for inflation). But the story doesn’t end here. Click through for some more thoughts and numbers (and bar charts) about Star Wars at the box office.

Bend Your Knee!

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As all of you are aware, Avengers Endgame is opening this weekend. And the movie already had a record breaking $156 million Friday in North America. And while it’s not really that important, I do wonder if Endgame might actually beat The Force Awakens and become the new number 1 movie in the all time domestic box office charts (unadjusted for inflation). Infinity Way also had a better opening weekend than The Force Awakens but eventually ended up making only about 2/3 of The Force Awakens’ box office. So, what do you think? Will Endgame beat The Force Awakens? And… do you think The Rise of Skywalker has any chance at all to beat Endgame and become the number 1 box office hit of 2019? It will be difficult to top Endgame’s opening weekend, that much is certain!


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The Future Of Star Wars On Disney's Streaming Service

Variety has an interesting exclusive article about Disney’s plans to make MCU shows for their upcoming streaming service. That alone would not be worth mentioning really, what is worth mentioning is that Variety also reports that the MCU shows will not just feature main characters from the movies, but that each character, such as Loki or Scarlet Witch, will be played by their MCU actors, Tom Hiddelston and Elizabeth Olsen. What could that mean for Star Wars? Click through for some speculation!

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