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Tag Archives: Michelle Rejwan

The Future Of Lucasfilm And Star Wars

Following the Kathleen Kennedy Interview for Rolling Stone, the Hollywood Reporter released an article with their take on how the future of Lucasfilm and Star Wars might look like. So what does the Hollywood Reporter think? Click through the details!

Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni

The future of Star Wars?

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Michelle Rejwan Is The New Live Action SVP For Lucasfilm

Now before you say “who” and “what?!?”… Michelle Rejwan (age 37) has been with Bad Robot and JJ Abrams for a long time, she worked as an executive / co-producer on such JJ movies like Super 8, Star Trek Into Darkness and The Force Awakens, with The Rise of Skywalker being her latest project, this time as a producer. The SVP is the “Senior Vice President”, and Michelle will be the SVP for Live Action Development & Production. So, in short, she’s basically Kathleen Kennedy’s new Number 2. Click through for a few more details!

Michelle Rejwan

Michelle Rejwan

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