Clone Trooper (Coruscant Landing Platform) (BD 17) - Hasbro - The Legacy Collection (2008)
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Tag Archives: Offworld Jawa Elder

Hasbro Pulse JUST ANNOUNCED 4th and 5th tier UNLOCKS for the HasLab Razor Crest. The fits is a display stand for the vehicle. The second is a carded TVC Offworld Jawa Elder with SOFT-GOODS! See Instagram for more!

Unlock #4 (15k backers needed) gives backers a Hasbro Star Wars The Mandalorian Display Stand. Display the Razor Crest on your shelves with this slightly tilted stand to make it look like the ship is in flight! Unlock #5 (17k backers needed) gives backers a Star Wars The Vintage Collection Offworld Jawa Elder (Arvala-7) with exclusive Kukri knife, necklace, open mudhorn egg, and card back you can only receive with the HasLab Razor Crest. (Final product may vary in color or detail.) See more images on! You only have until 11:59PM ET on November 9, 2020 to back this project. This is the way.”

Posted in Hasbro, Hasbro Pulse
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