Emperor Palpatine (BD 39) - Hasbro - The Legacy Collection (2009)
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Tag Archives: Ollie’s

More Great Deals Land At Ollies In South Carolina

Once again, Ollies is the place to find amazing deals if you are lucky enough to catch them. Along with a $9.99 The Black Series Saw Guerrera, here are a few others that David in South Carolina found at his local Ollies:

  • Archives Series Chewbacca $9.99
  • Black Series Ponda Baba $9.99 (These disappeared quickly)
  • Black Series Dr. Evazan (sic) $9.99 (These are peg warmers)
  • Walmart Exclusive TVC Leia (Endor) 50th for $4.99
  • Mandalorian Retro Boba Fett (Morak) $4.99
  • Mandalorian Retro The Armorer $4.99

Let us know what you are finding in your area!

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Longtime JTA reader and friend Robert F. visited his local Ollie’s only to find a slew of new discounted Hasbro Star Wars products. Two are Walmart exclusives, and the other didn’t make it further than online. It’s amazing to see how much product never arrived in stores by visiting your local Ollie’s. Many never saw the “Force Spirit” Yoda at their local Walmarts. No one wanted a 5POA cardboard playset. And even fewer collectors anted a new scale of rubbery hyper-articulated action figures known as Hyper Real. if Hasbro is smart, they’ll stick to what sells: TBS6, TVC, and stay away from the ST like it’s the toxic wasteland it is. You have to wonder what the heck is going on at the distribution centers.


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The Black Series [Phase IV] Deluxe Jar Jar Binks Hits Ollie's

As if its clearance at Target and Walmart weren’t enough, JTA reader and friend Robert F. found the deluxe The Black Series 6″ Jar Jar Binks at Ollie’s.

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After my nausea subsided from being slapped in the face by boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes of Rey (Island Journey) action figures from three years ago, I became even more jaded by what else I found at Ollie’s. (more….)

Full Story

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Here is some cool news! If you’re looking for discounted The Vintage Collection figures, head to your local Ollie’s store. I just got back and found a dozen of each of The Empire Strikes Back See-Threepio (C-3PO), Luke Skywalker (Bespin), and Return Of The Jedi General Lando Calrissian, and the Disney Star Wars Cassian Andor (a ton of that figure – a ton). They are priced at $5.99 each and are joined by The Black Series [Phase III] Luke Skywalker (Yavin) and plush Baby Yoda merchandise. Good luck! Special thanks to JTA reader and friend Bing “Upstate” Hamton for the alert and news!

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Today Is The Day! TVC Figures At Ollie's For $3.99 Each!

You can’t find them anywhere in any of planet earth’s brick and mortar chains for $12.99 each, but you can find them for $3.99 at Ollie’s! The reports are coming in! Today is the day for The Vintage Collection to hit Ollie’s! JTA reader Jeremy W. sends us an image that feels like a punch to the gut! There is something very perverse about any Stormtrooper figure arriving at a discount outlet. I also know Darth Vader is part of these case assortments and goes for at least double its MSRP, and that should never be a discount chain item either!

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Vintage Collection Figures Found At Ollie's!

The Vintage Collection Han Solo, Hoth Rebel Soldier and First Order Stormtrooper were found by JTA reader Ed D. at an Ollie’s in Middletown, NY! Each figure is $5.99 only! Maybe time to check out an Ollie’s near you if you still need any of the three figures!

Vintage Collection Hoth Rebel Soldier

Hoth Rebel Soldier – 64% off!

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According to this ad, it appears that Ollie’s will have new The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ figures for a low $5.99, a remarkable 54% cheaper than The Vintage Collection figures at your local Ollie’s beginning August 8th. Let us know of your finds! Special thanks to JTA reader and friend Scott K. for the ad and news.

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Ollie's Is Buying Up The Remains Of Toys R Us

There is a new development in the closing of Toys R Us. Ollies, who purchased most of their remaining inventory, is now taking over some locations and leasing them out. How bad shape TRU must have been in if a discount chain has enough liquid cash to take over both their inventory AND real estate. CNN has the full story. Special thanks to friend Martin M. for the alert to this news.

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This Isn't A Bargain - It's Brand Devastation

This isn’t necessarily anecdotal. And it’s undoubtedly not hyperbolic. I’ve never seen the Star Wars brand perform this poorly in my 20+ years collecting. Out of curiosity, I wanted to check my local Ollie’s store to see what kind of Star Wars merchandise they acquired from the Toys R Us buyout. And while I found a crapload of stuff, I also found product TARGET gave up on too. Not even the Five Below TVC purge was this voluminous in unwanted Star Wars products. (Half of us never saw those TVC figures until they hot Five Below because it was a terrible distribution issue.) This sale product may sell at Ollie’s at reduced prices, but if it didn’t move at Toys R Us as they were liquidating everything, why would it sell for higher prices at Ollie’s? What a mess.


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Ollie's Finally Advertising $200M Toys R Us Liquidation Stock!

Although reported right before the summertime, Ollie’s discount stores are now receiving Toys R Us’ liquidated products. If you have a store near you, it might be worth checking out their stock. Apparently, they’ve acquired $200 million of Toys R Us’ stock, which is pretty astounding. Special thanks to JTA reader Monteleone for the image.

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More Hasbro Star Wars Stuff Dumped At Ollie's

Ollie’s is apparently the dumping ground for the ton of unsold Hasbro Star Wars products that either never made it to retail or stuff that retailer gave up on after trying to sell it. JTA reader Edward D. finds something new every day he visits his local store. And the latest addition is the Walmart exclusive TBS [P3] 3.75″ AT-ST. The kicker? It’s only $10!

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More Unsaleable Hasbro 5POA TFA/RO Stuff Arrives At Ollie's

Here we go again. Pallets and pallets of unsold The Force Awakens 5POA are still arriving at Ollie’s for $2.99 per figure. Additionally, the Jedha Revoly four-pack is arriving in droves too. You have to wonder if there is any interest for them by collectors to shell out $3 per figure. Your mileage may vary. Special thanks to JTA reader Ed D. for the image and report.

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