The Black Series [Anniversary Collection] Emperor’s Royal Guard & TIE Fighter Pilot two-pack celebrates the 40th Anniversary of Return of The Jedi. or does it? (more….)
Thank you for reading Research Droids Reviews: Season 15!
The Emperor’s Royal Guard figure is just another repack but still looks fantastic after nearly six years. (more….)
Thank you for reading Research Droids Reviews: Season 15!
We should have liked The Black Series [Return Of The Jedi 40] Chewbacca figure better than we did. It looks like a figure from 2000. (more….)
The Black Series [Return Of The Jedi 40] Admiral Ackbar figure is based on the 1983 Kenner figure. (more….)
The Droid Factory R2-S4M figure is an excellent and unexpected release. It corrects many issues wrong with the first one Hasbro did years ago. Oh, and the character finally gets a name other than “Jabba’s Bartender.” (more….)
The Vintage Collection Special 4 Action Figures [Ree-Yees/Tessek/Velken Tezeri/Taym Dren-garen] multipack has some remarkable additions. But it isn’t perfect. (more….)
The Black Series [Return Of The Jedi 40] Bib Fortuna figure is a marked improvement when compared to its first release. What did Hasbro do to make it look better? (more….)
What a disappointment! Hasbro FINALLY gets Nien Nunb out to the public again, and it’s still too short, and they neglected the dark pink mouth paint operations once AGAIN! What’s up with this incompetent design team in Rhode Island? Anyway, check out the new version. It comes with less paint and a Return Of The Jedi 40 logo. We took the time to summarize all the new details for you by producing an all-new 68-image gallery complete with comparison shots and a breakdown of what separates the 2012 version from the 2023 reissue in the Collector Notes. See this anticipated figure updated in our RDRs now! There’s more difference here than you may realize.
We are looking at the newest wave of The Vintage Collection figures! First up is Moff Jerjerrod. Hasbro screwed up the nameplate, but the figure is awesome. However, you shouldn’t expect much new ground broken here. (more….)
We’re catching up on TVC reissues! The Return Of The Jedi Saelt-Marae reissue doesn’t look all that different from its original release. However, there are some changes here. This figure also has the distinction of being the only TVC 2.0 figure that received a re-release. Hasbro got it out to collectors again to celebrate Return Of The Jedi 40. We took the time to summarize all the new details for you by producing an all-new 68-image gallery complete with comparison shots and a breakdown of what separates the 2019 version from the 2023 reissue in the Collector Notes. See this impressive figure updated in our RDRs now! There’s more difference here than you may realize.
We’re catching up on TVC reissues! Unfortunately, the Return Of The Jedi Nikto (Skiff Guard) figure reissue is a disappointment. Although Hasbro fixed the mismatched knee and ankle joints, they messed up the deco on the head sculpt. It is now too flat and much darker. They should have lightened this action figure’s skin color many shades instead. We took the time to summarize all the new details for you by producing an all-new 68-image gallery complete with comparison shots and a breakdown of what separates the 2012 version from the 2023 reissue in the Collector Notes. See this impressive figure updated in our RDRs now! There’s more difference here than you may realize.
We’re catching up on TVC reissues! The Return Of The Jedi Kithaba (Skiff Guard) figure reissue looks stellar. The revised paint operations look excellent, and this time Hasbro remedied the mismatched elbow and ankle joints. Hasbro also worked in a half-toning wash on the arms and torso. We took the time to break it all down for you by producing an all-new 68-image gallery complete with comparison shots and a breakdown of what separates the 2012 version from the 2023 reissue in the Collector Notes. See this impressive figure updated in our RDRs now! There’s more difference here than you may realize.
The 6-inch Rebel Commando is laughably expensive but a beautiful figure nonetheless. Check it out along with the “Nik Sant” interchangeable faceplate. (more….)
The Return Of The Jedi Weequay figure reissue looks fantastic. It took Hasbro long enough to get it out to collectors again, but the revised paint operations are a marked improvement. Most importantly, they fixed the mismatched ankle and knee joints. But they also changed the colors. We took the time to break it all down for you by producing an all-new 60-image gallery complete with comparison shots and a breakdown of what separates the 2012 version from the 2023 new release in the Collector Notes. This figure is shipping now. See this excellent figure updated in our RDRs now! There’s more difference here than you may realize.
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