If you still need the TBS6″ TRU Exclusive Rey Jedi Training On Crait it is on sale for only $22! They also have a ton of other Star Wars items on sale at Toysrus.com as well. Free shipping on orders over $29.99
I was driving past my local TRU this morning in East Brunswick, NJ when I got a text from a friend about a TRU product which prompted me to veer off into the TRU parking lot and have a peek. Thankfully I did because they had just stocked the TRU Exclusive Black Series Rey and some of the Ackbar/ FO Officer 2-packs. I had missed the Rey pre-order so it was a welcomed surprise. If you need this beautiful exclusive, it’s time to start checking your local TRU.
You can also PRE-ORDER the Rey (Jedi Training On Crait) Toys R Us exclusive for $34.99.
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