We’ll have a final update on this once the campaign ends, but unless an eleventh-hour miracle takes place, and I believe in miracles, you sexy thing, the Cookie Monster HasLab project is a bust. Now, forgetting about your opinions on whether this HasLab idea was a good one or not, how are there not 3000 eager Sesame Street collectors out there to meet the rather modest target of 3000 units? In a related matter, Unicron is not faring too well either. But until the campaigns end it’s too soon to judge their fates. It’s important to note that I haven’t seen too much promotion for either current HasLab projects either. There were daily fan site posts encouraging readers to get Jabba’s Sail Barge over the threshold. If both projects end up failing, it should speak volumes to Hasbro about who their HasLab market is, and what they should focus on for future HasLab projects. (They’ll probably disregard this too.) Based on the performance of the three licensees represented in their first three projects, it appears that Star Wars is the only license that has an engaged and eager fan base that votes with its wallet as evidenced by the success of Jabba’s Sail Barge. If there were more numbers on the Unicron, I might include Transformers, but there isn’t enough interest to make me see this differently.
With Cookie Monster nearing the finish line, only a little more than 6 days are left, it’s time to take yet another look at this year’s two Haslab projects! So click through for a quick look at what’s going on and a few thoughts that go beyond current Haslab projects!
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