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Tag Archives: Smuggler’s Run Millennium Falcon

Get $100 Off of the Target Exclusive Millennium Falcon

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Now through November 21st you can save 25% on one toy at Target with their Target Circle Offer Deal. This includes the Millennium Falcon (Smuggler’s Run). Several viewers have written in to say they were able to take advantage of this deal. Thanks for the alert!

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Galaxy's Edge Millennium Falcon Arriving In Europe

JTA regular Darth Rizzen found the Target exclusive Galaxy’s Edge Millennium Falcon in the new toy catalogue of French toy store PicWic toys. No other TVC products are in the catalogue, but the Millennium Falcon can be yours in France if you are willing to part with 450 euros, which is about $530 at current exchange rates.
Here in Germany you can find the vehicle at the usual etailers. One etailer here wants “only” 440 euros ($517) but pre-orders are already all sold out, another one wants a whopping 500 euros ($588). Is the Millennium Falcon available in your country too? And how much would you be willing to pay for it?

Pardon my French

Posted in The Vintage Collection

Hasbro, you know that The Vintage Collection packaging is a HUGE part of the collecting experience. And it appears there is a STRONG possibility that the TVC Smuggler’s Run Millennium Falcon will ship WITHOUT an outer box to protect the original packaging. From the explanation on their website to confirmations made by Guest Relations at the 1-800 number, it seems collectors won’t be getting their investment protected. If the interpretation of this is incorrect, we’ll happily issue a correction, but please confirm either way. We understand they’re going to slap a shipping label right on the front of the actual TVC box. If required, can you please work with your great retail partner and advise them against this practice? Can you work with them so they can offer collectors something that will protect the packaging/box of this treasured item? Let’s prevent disaster and an angry collecting community. Thank you! Also, thank you for getting more units up for pre-order today. That was the right thing to do. But so is ensuring these large vehicles ship with protection too.

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