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Tag Archives: Tales of the Jedi (Disney+ Series)

I originally did not want to review Tales of the Empire, because the previous season, Tales of the Jedi, felt like a waste of my time, with good ideas here and there… never explored and resulting in episodes that were more infuriating than good, because you could tell that the basic ideas were ok or even good… but were never fleshed out and ultimately the episodes felt like pointless filler. With the worst offender the Ahsoka as a baby episode that no one needed.

But Barriss Offee, while a minor character overall, is still one of the better known prequel Jedi (padawans), I liked her character for much of The Clone Wars, until they made her evil towards the end (it came out of nowhere). So I decided to give the Barriss Offee “Tale” a try… and I believe it’s high time we talk about that, even if the few who will ever bother to watch this already watched it over the weekend probably. Anyway… Barriss Offee’s “Tale of the Empire” makes me fear for the very worst when it comes to the future of Star Wars under Dave Filoni. It had good ideas, just like Ahsoka had a few good ideas… but horribly executed, with nonsensical things happening and a character twist that literally makes no sense. The entire format makes no sense to me and I wish Lucasfilm would spend their money on better projects… a proper six to ten episode Barriss mini series could have been really great. What we got instead is a new low point in Star Wars in my opinion. And it pains me to say this. I really wanted to like this. I like Barriss as a character. And then we get “this”. Click here or on the banner to read my review and discussion of Barriss Offee’s story in “Tales of the Empire”.


She’ll certainly get better

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Gentle Giant is getting into the spirit with a St. Patrick’s Day exclusive Yaddle Animated Mini Bust. Click through for the pre-order page.


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The Bad Batch To Get A Third And Final Season

The Bad Batch will get a third and final season, this was revealed earlier today at Star Wars Celebration in London. A SWCE exlusive trailer was also shown which reveals that Palpatine will return in season 3, as well as Fennec Shand who was featured in season 1 and Wolffe.

However, the way animation is produced it is misleading to assume the season was greenlit just “now” or even recently. The fact that they could already show a teaser trailer means the season has been in (post) production for quite a while now, rendering takes quite some time. The dialogue was probably recorded more than a year ago, before Disney knew what the ratings for season 2 would be. Let’s just hope the producers were given advance notice that this will be the final season, so they can bring things to a proper conclusion. The Bad Batch will return for the final season in 2024.

Let’s also hope that showrunner Jennifer Corbett won’t waste time on random fetch quests and treasure hunts in season 3, since half of season 2 was entirely pointless, with the other half however delivering good to very good episodes that prove The Bad Batch could have been excellent if they had focused more on the actual plot.

Tales of the Jedi will also return. This was announced previously at SWCE.

Palpatine will return in The Bad Batch season 3

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Two weeks ago Lucasfilm released the anthology series Tales of the Jedi which can be considered a part of The Clone Wars, it uses the same artstyle and same animation, and the six short episodes focus on two different characters featured in The Clone Wars, fan favourite Ahsoka Tano and then the villain Count Dooku. Because of the structure of the series I will talk about the three Ahsoka episodes today, Life and Death, Practice Makes Perfect and Resolve, the 1st, 5th and 6th episode respectively. The Count Dooku episodes will follow next weekend or so, some time after Andor, which releases its new episode tomorrow.

Anyway, today we talk about Tales of the Jedi, or at least the half of it that focuses on Ahsoka. Fans of The Clone Wars will find many things to like here, even if Ahsoka’s episodes offer little that is actually new or all that interesting maybe. But let’s talk about all that in my spoiler review and click here or on the banner to proceed!

Posted in Movie and TV News

Tales Of The Jedi Debuts Today On Disney+

All six episodes of the Tales of the Jedi shorts debut today on Disney+. After seeing the first few episodes at Celebration early this year, I’m excited to check out the rest!

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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi Poster Revealed

The upcoming Tales of the Jedi series gets a new poster. Click below to check it out. Tales of the Jedi debuts October 26th on Disney+.

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Tales of the Jedi Official Trailer

It’s a good day for new Star Wars trailers! Check out the new trailer for the upcoming Tales of the Jedi series, featuring Jedi stories across the timeline. We were treated to the first two episodes of this series at Celebration Anaheim; they were a lot of fun! These shorts are filmed in the same animation style as The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch keeping the storytelling style consistent. Click through to check out the full trailer.

Full Story

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