Darth Vader (SL02) - Hasbro - Legacy Collection (2009)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Tag Archives: Thrawn

I had a pretty good week when it comes to collecting. I took a trip an hour south to Tucson, AZ, and went to a wonderful swap meet. Some of my favorite vendors had vamoosed, unfortunately, but there were still a couple toy vendors with decent Star Wars merchandise. I also watched A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi, which marks the first time my son has gotten to watch the original trilogy (although he’s 2 so he ran around for a lot of it and went to be 3/4ths of the way through each movie, but boy did he like R2-D2!). In any case, click here to see a few photos of this week’s collecting finds!

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Thrawn Sequel Coming In Summer 2018!

This comes as no surprise after the success of the first novel and the popularity of the character, but it is good news to hear nonetheless! The official Star Wars Twitter page updated with the news that we will be getting a Thrawn sequel next summer, which will also feature Darth Vader. Click here for the full tweet! Thanks to JTA reader Ginji for the alert!

Posted in Books and Novels
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