8D8 - Kenner - Vintage Return of the Jedi (1984)
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Tag Archives: TJ Maxx

If you decide to brave the pandemic, TJ Maxx is getting the Walmart exclusive The Black Series [Phase III] Yoda (Force Spirit) figure. It only costs $5.99. Special thanks to JTA reader Camarillo E. for the news!

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Holy BLEEP! Look what JTA reader Derek H. found at his local TJ Maxx discount chain store! The former Kmart exclusive B-wing Fighter from The Vintage Collection has wound up there for a mere $16.99. This item is 6 years old at this point. How is there stock still hanging around? The B-wing Fighter vehicle would easily be $49.99-$59.99 in today’s market! Let us know if you see these in your areas as well! We’re very curious to see how widespread this is!


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