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Tag Archives: Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks Talks About Disney's Strict Rules For Actors

You may ask what Tom Hanks is doing on JTA. Well, Tom Hanks appeared on Jimmy Kimmel the other day and it was there that Tom Hanks talked about the very strict rules Disney have for their stars when they are promoting a movie (Toy Story 4 in Hanks’ case). And it’s interesting to see what rules there are. Disney is more or less providing pre-fabricated bullet points for the stars and even anticipate various questions asked by the press and tell their stars what to reply when they get asked these questions. And of course Disney also tell their stars what is not allowed to talk about at all. And this leads us to Star Wars. Click through to learn more!

Tom Hanks with Disney's rules for Toy Story 4

Tom Hanks with Disney’s rules for Toy Story 4

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