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Tag Archives: Toys R Us

Toys R Us Enters Death Spiral Before 2017 Holiday Season

Ugh. You saw our earlier report on Toys R Us on the front page recently, and how they were considering filing for bankruptcy, but creditors already see them in a death spiral as their debt load seems almost incurable from their viewpoint). According to some sources, Toys ‘R’ Us could file for bankruptcy as soon as next week, and they note that “nervous suppliers have scaled back shipments and tightened terms to the retailer ahead of the crucial holiday selling season, on worries they may not got repaid and their payables would be lumped alongside other unsecured pre-petition claims.” While it’s always sad to anyone lose their job, it also makes us wonder if this will impact the availability of their exclusives that were announced for Force Friday II. We wish them the best. Check out the new update at

Posted in General News

3.75" TLJ 2-Packs On Sale At

You can order the new 3.75″ 2-packs from for only $12.99 right now. They have the Praetorian Guard and Rey (Jedi Training) and Han Solo and Boba Fett.

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Toys R Us Considering Bankruptcy Filing

Well, this can’t be good. Major retailer Toys R Us is possibly considering filing for bankruptcy protection. Business Insider has the full story.

Posted in General News

A reader Riot Trooper Triggs alerts us to a new The Last Jedi product that we haven’t seen until now: a Poe Dameron 12-Inch Figure. Check it out at

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Force Friday II Toys R Us Poster Features TIE Bombers

If you went out to Toys R Us’ Force Friday II event, you were given a poster which features multiple TIE Bombers in the scene. This has no relation to The Empire Strikes Back, so don’t even go there. Special thanks to The Bot for the image.

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Toys R Us Force Friday II Blues?

It’s 1am here on the East Coast, and has none of the new product in that I can see. We just received a report from JTA reader Evan who found that his Local TRU had NONE of the new 6″ figures in after being first in line. Luckily, he booked it to Walmart where he scored it all (seen below), but has anyone else suffered the same fate at TRU? 

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Toys R Us Australia Facebook Live Streaming Force Friday II!

Toys R Us Australia’s Facebook page is live streaming Force Friday II products! Check it out!

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Toys R Us has formally announced their Force Friday II Midnight Opening event. Click through for more!

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Toys R Us Returns To Times Square, Albeit Briefly

Toys R Us is coming back to New York City, but just for the holidays at 42nd Street and 6th Avenue in Times Square. Bloomberg has the full story! JTA has exclusively learned that the location should open on August 26th (just in time for Force Friday II) and be open through the New Year.

Posted in General News

TBS [SW40] Wave 1 Found At Toys R Us

Today a friend of mine managed to find wave 1 of the 40th Anniversary at his local Toys R Us in Amherst, NY. He said the entire wave was there, but he only bought himself a Artoo-Detoo and a Han Solo. Are these still being found in their distribution centers or are these coming from somewhere else? Have you seen these pop up in your TRU recently? Thanks to JTA reader and friend Charlie for the info.

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TRU Funko Pop! 4-Piece Collector Set

Toys R Us is selling a 4-piece Funko Pop Collectors Set that features Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Threepio, and Artoo-Detoo.

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JTA Canadian reader Jamie D. sends us a remarkable store report. Do you remember the Amazon exclusive First Order Legion boxed set with seven figures? They have now shown up at Toys R Us in Canada for only $29.99 (original MSRP on Amazon was $47.99). As you know, these nearly go for $100 on Amazon today, so this is quite a surprising store find. Let us know if you see these in your local stores. I wonder why Amazon didn’t sell through their stock because once they sold out they never replenished and collectors wanted these. And I also wonder if American collectors will see this at their TRU stores. Weird. On a related note, I wonder if this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to unsold TFA toys….

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TRU 3-Day Clearance Event is having a 3-day clearance event. Best part is you can get an EXTRA 20% off by using promo code CLEARANCE20. Take a peek at all the Star Wars items they have on clearance and maybe save a few bucks.


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Forces Of Destiny Starts Hitting Toys R Us Stores

The Forces of Destiny dolls have begun showing up at Toys R Us stores so it might be time to start looking if you’re after them. This photo comes from JTA reader Russ who found these at his local TRU in Wayne, NJ. Have you had any like finding these in your area? Let us know! Russ also shared an Amazon link to the elusive Jyn Erso Forces of Destiny doll. She’s been kept under tight wrap for whatever reason, but I think she looks great. How about you?


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Phenomenal Deal On Disney Infinity Figures At Toys R Us

This will likely be old news for many, but we were pleasantly surprised when we randomly stopped by the Disney Infinity figure aisle at our local Toys R Us and discovered the figures were BUY ONE (1) GET FOUR (4) FREE. You read that right. We just couldn’t pass on the deal!

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TRU Puts TBS6 On Sale In Store

Toys R Us seems to have a 40% sale going on in select stores making The Black Series 6″ figures $11.99. You may be able to find some gems depending on your TRU location and who doesn’t need more Hovertank Pilots? JTA reader Jason sends in this image from his local TRU in OH. Does your TRU have this sale going on as well? Let us know!

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Tags: , releases details about their exclusive The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ Commander Gree as well as their other SDCC exclusives. SPOILER: It will be available July 20th online. Check out the rest of the details online!

Posted in Hasbro
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Toys R Us Fourth Of July Sale

Toys R Us is having a 4th of July sale which can save you a few bucks on some cool Star Wars items. Even though the TRU website is looking a bit barren lately, there are still loads of things already on sale.  Take a look at all of the Star Wars items that you can save on. They still have TBS6 [40] Luke and Leia on sale. Don’t forget to use promo code JULY15OFF at checkout!

Posted in Online Promotions
Tags: , , , , , Has TBS6 [SW40] In Stock NOW! Hurry, Hurry! has wave 2 in stock now, be quick and grab your 40th Anniversary figures while you can. Special thanks to JTA reader Chris B. for the news!

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Check Out The TRU Sale Going On

Toys R Us is having a Buy 2 Get the 3rd Free sale on almost everything Star Wars. I’m not sure if this is Online Only, but maybe you can snag a few things you’ve been passing up on.

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Hey Canadian collectors! The Black Series [Phase III] First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter is on sale at for $76.98. Special thanks to JTA reader Jean C. for the news!.

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TBS6 Below MSRP Almost Everywhere Now - What's Going On?

No new stock in months, which is nearly approaching years now. The same old stock continues to rot on shelves. Most retailers (if not all now) have TBS6 figures WELL BELOW the MSRP of $19.99/$21.99. What is truly going on anymore? Now another retailer desperately tries to move old stock. Have all of you seen the new sale at Toys R Us for their remaining stock of The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ figures? The sale runs through July 1st (which is quite a long time out) and the figures have been marked down to $11.99 each. There has to be more going on here across all current brick and mortar retailer than meets the eye. Is there just not a big enough audience for this line or is Hasbro making too many of them? (The solution is the same answer.)

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My TRU May Not Have New TBS Waves, But..

At least they are carrying these super awesome 40th Anniversary plastic cups that are useful for drinking a huge cup of “Why haven’t you moved out those Hovertank Pilots” tea. My local TRU in NJ has only received the Legacy pack, die-cast (once), and these awesome cups. One can only hope they get this fixed before “Force Friday” later this year. What does your TRU store look like lately?


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