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Tag Archives: World Premiere

First Reactions To Solo: A Star Wars Story

Following the world premiere of Solo: A Star Wars Story, the first reactions to the film have begun to show up online. Unsurprisingly, Donald Glover’s portrayal of Lando received universal praise from the attendees who have shared their thoughts so far. Several attendees also praised Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s performance as L3. But what about Han Solo? The early word of mouth is largely positive, although some admitted that it takes time for Alden to find his footing and for your brain to adjust to seeing someone besides Harrison Ford play Han Solo. The most common takeaway from these early reactions seems to be that this film is fun first and foremost. Premiere reactions are almost always universally positive, so as usual take them with a grain of salt. Head over to Nerdist to read through the early reactions yourself!

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