Classic Edition 4-Pack (Toys R Us) - Hasbro - The Power of the Force [Red] (1995)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Star Wars (Series 5)

Set Details

Release Date: 1978

Series: 5

Border Color: Orange

Set Size: 66 cards

Inserts: 11 cards

Insert Sets

Stickers (11 Cards)


Note: The numbering of the base set and stickers pick up from the end of Star Wars Series 4.


Base Set

265 Anxious Moments for the Rebels

266 Threepio and Leia Monitor the Battle

267 No-Nonsense Privateer Han Solo!

268 Ben Prepares to Turn Off the Tractor Beam

269 Droids on the Run!

270 Luke: Farmboy Turned Warrior!

271 "Do You Think They'll Melt Us Down, Artoo?"

272 Corridors of the Death Star

273 "This is All Your Fault Artoo!"

274 Droids Trick the Stormtroopers!

275 Guarding the Millennium Falcon

276 It's Not Wise to Upset a Wookiee!

277 Bizarre Inhabitants of the Cantina

278 a Narrow Escape!

279 Awaiting the Imperial Attack

280 "Remember Luke, the Force Will Be With You"

281 A Monstrous Thirst!

282 "Hurry Up, Luke We're Gonna Have Company!"

283 The Cantina Musicians

284 Distracted by Solo's Assault

285 Spiffed Up for the Awards Ceremony

286 Cantina Denizens

287 Han and Chewie Ready for Action!

288 Blasting the Enemy!

289 The Rebel Fighters Take Off!

290 Chewie Aims for Danger!

291 Lord Vader Senses the Force

292 The Stormtroopers Assemble

293 A Friendly Chat Among Alien Friends!

294 Droids Make Their Way to the Escape Pod

295 Han and the Rebel Pilots

296 Artoo-Detoo is Abducted by Jawas!

297 Inside the Sandcrawler


Base Set (Continued)

298 Chewie Gets Riled!

299 Leia Wishes Luke Good Luck!

300 Luke, the Star Warrior!

301 A Crucial Moment for Luke Skywalker

302 Threepio and Artoo

303 Various Droids Collected by the Jawas

304 The Jawas Ready Their Merchandise

305 Director George Lucas and "Greedo"

306 Technicians Ready C-3P0 for the Cameras

307 A Touch-Up for Chewbacca!

308 Directing the Cantina Creatures

309 The Birthday Celebration for Sir Alec Guinness

310 Filming the Awards Ceremony

311 The Model Builders Proudly Display Their Work

312 Using the "Blue Screen" Process for X-Wings

313 The Birth of a Droid

314 Shooting in Tunisia

315 Inside the Millennium Falcon

316 Photographing the Miniature Explosions

317 Filming Explosions on the Death Star

318 "Make-up" for the Bantha

319 Dave Prowse and Alex Guinness Rehearse

320 Flight of the Falcon

321 George Lucas Directs his Counterpart "Luke"

322 Constructing the Star Destroyer

323 Aboard the Millennium Falcon

324 Chewie Takes a Breather Between Scenes

325 The Princess Gets the Brush!

326 Animating the "Chessboard" Creatures

327 Filming the Sandcrawler

328 X-Wings Positioned for the Cameras

329 Sir Alec Guinness and George Lucas

330 Filming Luke and Threepio in Tunisia


Insert: Stickers

45 A Crucial Moment for Luke Skywalker

46 Chewie Gets Riled!

47 Threepio and Artoo

48 Various Droids Collected by the Jawas

49 Luke, Star Warrior!

50 Director George Lucas and Greedo

51 Technicians Ready C-3P0 for the Cameras

52 The Jawas Ready Their New Merchandise

53 Directing the Cantina Creatures

54 Leia Wishes Luke Good Luck

55 A Touch-up For Chewbacca!


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