IG-88 (Bounty Hunter) - Kenner - Vintage The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Return of the Jedi (Series 1)

Set Details

Release Date: 1983

Series: 1

Border Color: Red

Packs Per Box: 36

Cards Per Pack: 12 Cards/1 Sticker

Set Size: 132 cards

Inserts: 33 stickers (Each sticker comes in 2 colors)

Insert Sets

Stickers (33 total)


Base Set

1 Title Card

2 Luke Skywalker

3 Darth Vader

4 Han Solo

5 Princess Leia Organa

6 Lando Calrissian

7 Chewbacca

8 C-3PO and R2-D2

9 The New Death Star

10 The Inspection

11 Toward the Desert Palace

12 Bib Fortuna

13 Court of Evil

14 Jabba the Hutt

15 Intergalactic Gangster

16 Salacious Crumb

17 A Message for Jabba the Hutt

18 Dungeons of Jabba the Hutt

19 Beedo and a Jawa

20 Sy Snootles and the Rebo Band

21 Droopy McCool

22 Sny Snootles

23 Watched by Boba Fett

24 Boushh's Captive

25 The Bounty Hunter Boushh

26 The Villains Confer

27 Han Solo's Plight

28 The Rescuer

29 Decarbonized!

30 Princess Leia to the Rescue!

31 Heroes in Disguise

32 The Princess Enslaved

33 Luke Skywalker Arrives

34 The Young Jedi

35 The Court in Chaos!

36 The Rancor Pit

37 Facing Jabba the Hutt

38 The Sail Barge and the Desert Skiff

39 Jabba the Hutt's New Dancing Girl

40 On the Sail Barge

41 A Monstrous Fate!

42 The Battle Begins

43 Lando Calrissian's Fight

44 Fury of the Jedi

45 Princess Leia Strikes Back!

46 The Demise of Jabba the Hutt

47 Boba Fett's Last Stand

48 The Rescue

49 Gamorrean Guard

50 The Deadly Cannon

51 The Raging Battle

52 Princess Leia Swings Into Action!

53 Swing to Safety

54 On the Death Star

55 Guards of the Emperor

56 The Deciders

57 The Emperor

58 Yoda, the Jedi Master

59 A Word with Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi

60 The Allies Meet

61 A New Challenge

62 Pondering the Raid

63 Mission: Destroy the Death Star!

64 Mon Mothma

65 The Friends Depart

66 Benevolent Creature

67 The Plan Begins

68 Forest of Endor

69 Droids on the Move

70 Blasting a Speeder Bike

71 Approaching the Princess

72 A New Found Friend

73 Princess Leia's Smile

74 Under Attack!

75 Imperial Scout Peril!

76 Entering the Throne Room

77 The Skywalker Factor


Base Set (Continued)

78 Captured by the Ewoks

79 The Netted Droid

80 All Hail See-Threepio!

81 Royal Treatment

82 Sitting with Royalty

83 Levitated by Luke

84 The Ewok Leaders

85 Logray and Chief Chirpa

86 Help from Princess Leia

87 Will Han Solo Be Dinner?

88 The Baby Ewok

89 The Forest Creatures

90 The Droid and the Ewok

91 R2-D2 Meets Wicket

92 Unexpected Allies

93 Serious Situation

94 Luke Skywalker's Destiny

95 Quiet, See-Threepio!

96 Imperial Biker Scout

97 Biker Scout and the Battlefield

98 Han Solo's Approach

99 The Ultimate Mission

100 Ready for Action!

101 Ambushed by the Empire

102 Observed by the Ewoks

103 The Courageous Ewoks

104 Prisoners!

105 Revising Their Plan

106 AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport)

107 The Forest Fighters

108 Break for Freedom!

109 Artoo-Deetoo Hit

110 Chewbacca Triumphant!

111 Ewoks to the Rescue!

112 Battle in the Forest

113 Stormtrooper Attack!

114 The Victorious Rebels

115 Time Out for Love

116 Facing the Emperor

117 Master of Terror

118 The Emperor's Offer

119 Battle of the Jedi

120 Lightsaber Battle

121 Darth Vader Is Down!

122 The Confrontation

123 The Death Star Raid

124 Military Leader Admiral Ackbar

125 Within the Death Star

126 Victory Celebration!

127 Congratulating Wedge

128 The Triumphant Trio

129 The Heroic Droids

130 Toward Brighter Tomorrows

131 Checklist

132 Checklist

Insert: Stickers (each sticker comes in 2 colors)

1 Yoda

2 Logray

3 Droopy McCool

4 Jabba

5 Ree Yees

6 Admiral Ackbar

7 Boushh

8 Han Solo

9 Leia

10 Luke

11 Han Solo

12 C-3P0

13 Chewbacca

14 Sy Snootles

15 Baby Ewok

16 Nien Nunb

17 Lando Calrissian

18 R2-D2

19 Obi-Wan Kenobi

20 Luke Skywalker

21 Luke Skywaler

22 Gamorrean Guard

23 Salacious Crumb

24 Ewok

25 Boba Fett

26 Ewok

27 Jabba

28 Lando in Skiff Disguise

29 Max Rebo

30 Leia

31 Leia

32 Han Solo

33 Biker Scout

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