R2-D2 - Hasbro - The Power of the Force [Red] (1995)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Star Wars Galaxy (Series 3)

Set Details

Release Date: 1996

Series: 1 (Characters)*

Packs Per Box: 36

Cards Per Pack: 5

Set Size: 90 cards

Inserts: 10 Cards

Insert Sets

Embossed Foil Cards (6 Cards)

Matrix Cards (4 Cards)


*Series 2 was meant to be Vehicles, but was never released in Chromium format. Instead, Vehicles was released as a standard trading card set.


Promo Cards


SWF1 Boba Fett (Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #6)

SWF2 Darth Vader (Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #7)

SWF3 Luke Skywalker on Tauntaun (Non-Sport Update)

Oversized MasterVision Promos

Star Wars Finest (Jedi Legacy) (Case Topper)

Star Wars Finest (Jedi Legacy) (Refractor) (Case Topper)


Base Set

1 Title Card

2 Luke Skywalker

3 Princess Leia

4 Mon Mothma

5 Admiral Ackbar

6 Jan Dodonna

7 Han Solo

8 Chewbacca

9 Lando Calrissian

10 Crix Madine

11 Garm Bel Iblis

12 Borsk Fey'lya

13 Wedge Antilles

14 Biggs Darklighter

15 Nien Nunb

16 Winter

17 Wicket W. Warrick

18 Qwi Xux

19 Emperor Palpatine

20 Darth Vader

21 Moff Tarkin

22 Joruus C'Baoth

23 Admiral Thrawn

24 Gilad Pellaeon

25 Admiral Piett

26 Admiral Daala

27 General Veers

28 Emperor's Royal Guard

29 Death Star Gunners

30 Stormtroopers

31 TIE Fighter Pilots

32 AT-AT Walker Pilots

33 Biker Scouts

34 Boba Fett

35 Dengar

36 Bossk

37 Obi-Wan Kenobi

38 Yoda

39 Callista

40 Jacen Solo

41 Anakin Solo

42 Jaina Solo

43 Kyp Durron

44 Kirani Ti

45 Tionne

46 Mara Jade

47 Talon Karrde

48 Salla Zend

Base Set (Continued)

49 Zuckuss

50 Lobot

51 Gallandrov

52 Moruth Doole

53 Garindan

54 Lady Valarian

55 Tusken Raiders

56 Bantha

57 Jawa

58 Ugnaught

59 Noghri

60 Ssi-Ruuk

61 Wampa

62 TaunTaun

63 Sarlacc

64 Greedo

65 Cantina Band

66 Labria

67 Dr. Evazan

68 Ponda Baba

69 Feltipern Trevagg

70 Kabe and Muftak

71 Momaw Nadon

72 Wuher and Chalmun

73 Jabba The Hutt

74 Bib Fortuna

75 Salacious Crumb

76 Max Rebo Band

77 Oola

78 Rancor

79 Gamorrean Guard

80 Weequay

81 Tessek

82 C-3P0

83 R2-D2

84 2-1B

85 R5-D4

86 4-LOM

87 Blue Max and Bullux

88 EV-9D9

89 IG-88

90 Probot


Base Set Parallels

Refractor cards (1:12 packs)


Insert: Embossed Foil (1:9 packs)

F1 Darth Vader

F2 Luke Skywalker

F3 Obi-Wan Kenobi

F4 Jalina Solo

F5 Princess Leia Organa

F6 Jacen Solo


Insert: Matrix (1:12 packs)

M1 Han Solo and Chewbacca

M2 C-3PO and R2-D2

M3 Emperor Palpatine

M4 Boba Fett


Other Star Wars Finest Cards

Star Wars Finest Binder

B1 Han Solo and Chewbacca

Star Wars Galaxy Magazine

SWGM1 Bespin – art by Ralph McQuarrie (SW Galaxy Magazine 1, 1995)

SWGM2 Coruscant – art by Joe Johnston (SW Galaxy Magazine 2, 1995)

SWGM3 AT-AT – art by Ralph McQuarrie (SW Galaxy Magazine 3, 1995)

SWGM4 Dagobah – art by Ralph McQuarrie (SW Galaxy Magazine 4, 1995)

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