R4-D6 (Build A Droid) - Hasbro - The Legacy Collection (2008)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Galactic Files Reborn

Set Details

Release Date: July 19, 2017

Boxes Per Case: 12

Packs Per Box: 24

Cards Per Pack: 8

Set Size: 200 cards

Inserts: 64 cards

Hits: Autograph Cards, Sketch Cards, Medallion Cards, Printing Plates

Hobby Box Contents

Hits (Autograph, Sketch, Patch, or Printing Plate): 2

Inserts: TBD

Parallels: 60

Insert Sets

Famous Quotes (15 Cards)

Galactic Moments (9 Cards)

Locations (10 Cards)

Vehicles (20 Cards)

Weapons (10 Cards)


Note: This is the first series in the relaunched Galactic Files series of cards. The numbering of the base set cards continue in 2018's Galactic Files base cards.


Base Set

The Phantom Menace

TPM-1 Qui-Gon Jinn

TPM-2 Obi-Wan Kenobi

TPM-3 Queen Amidala

TPM-4 Darth Maul

TPM-5 Jar Jar Binks

TPM-6 Darth Sidious

TPM-7 R2-D2


TPM-9 Shmi Skywalker

TPM-10 Sio Bibble

TPM-11 Boss Nass

TPM-12 Watto

TPM-13 Captain Panaka

TPM-14 Nute Gunray

TPM-15 Rune Haako

TPM-16 Battle Droids

TPM-17 Sebulba

TPM-18 Chancellor Valorum

TPM-19 Ki-Adi-Mundi

TPM-20 Saesee Tiin

TPM-21 Plo Koon

TPM-22 Even Piell

TPM-23 Sabé

TPM-24 Ric Olié

TPM-25 Captain Tarpals

Attack of the Clones

AOTC-1 Count Dooku

AOTC-2 Mace Windu

AOTC-3 Chancellor Palpatine

AOTC-4 Jango Fett

AOTC-5 Boba Fett

AOTC-6 Zam Wesell

AOTC-7 Bail Organa

AOTC-8 Sio Bibble

AOTC-9 Cliegg Lars

AOTC-10 Owen Lars

AOTC-11 Beru Whitesun

AOTC-12 Captain Typho

AOTC-13 Jocasta Nu

AOTC-14 Taun We

AOTC-15 Lama Su

AOTC-16 Dexter Jettster

AOTC-17 Kit Fisto

AOTC-18 Aayla Secura

AOTC-19 Poggle the Lesser

AOTC-20 Wat Tambor

The Clone Wars

ACW-1 Ahsoka Tano

ACW-2 Hondo Ohnaka

ACW-3 Darth Maul

ACW-4 Savage Opress

ACW-5 Mother Talzin

ACW-6 Asajj Ventress

ACW-7 Boba Fett

ACW-8 Satine Kryze

ACW-9 Captain Rex

ACW-10 Cad Bane

ACW-11 Ziro The Hutt

ACW-12 Mortis Father

ACW-13 Mortis Son

ACW-14 Mortis Daughter

ACW-15 Lux Bonteri

ACW-16 Embo

ACW-17 Rush Clovis

ACW-18 Bo-Katan Kryze

ACW-19 Pre Vizsla

ACW-20 Aurra Sing

ACW-21 Cato Parasitti

Revenge of the Sith

ROTS-1 Anakin Skywalker

ROTS-2 Supreme Chancellor Palpatine

ROTS-3 R2-D2


ROTS-5 Yoda

ROTS-6 Padmé Amidala

ROTS-7 General Grievous

ROTS-8 Count Dooku

ROTS-9 Mace Windu

ROTS-10 Bail Organa

ROTS-11 Commander Cody

ROTS-12 Darth Sidious

ROTS-13 Chewbacca

ROTS-14 Tarfful

ROTS-15 Tion Medon

ROTS-16 Mas Amedda

ROTS-17 Stass Allie

ROTS-18 Captain Colton


REB-1 Kanan Jarrus

REB-2 Hera Syndulla

REB-3 Sabine Wren

REB-4 Zeb Orrelios

REB-5 Chopper

REB-6 Ezra Bridger

REB-7 The Grand Inquisitor

REB-8 Agent Kallus

REB-9 Maketh Tua

REB-10 Myles Grint

REB-11 Cikatro Vizago

REB-12 Cham Syndulla

REB-13 Fifth Brother

REB-14 Seventh Sister

REB-15 Darth Vader

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

RO-1 Jyn Erso

RO-2 Captain Cassian Andor

RO-3 Chirrut Îmwe

RO-4 Baze Malbus

RO-5 Bodhi Rook

RO-6 Director Krennic

RO-7 Saw Gerrera

RO-8 Galen Erso

A New Hope

ANH-1 R2-D2


ANH-3 Imperial Stormtroopers

ANH-4 Rebel Fleet Troopers

ANH-5 Princess Leia Organa

ANH-6 Darth Vader

ANH-7 Raymus Antilles

ANH-8 Jawas

ANH-9 R5-D4

ANH-10 Luke Skywalker

ANH-11 Owen Lars

ANH-12 Beru Lars

ANH-13 Obi-Wan Kenobi

ANH-14 Grand Moff Tarkin

ANH-15 Han Solo

ANH-16 Chewbacca

ANH-17 Ponda Baba

ANH-18 Dr. Evazan

ANH-19 Greedo

ANH-20 BoShek

ANH-21 Momaw Nadon

ANH-22 Admiral Motti

ANH-23 Wedge Antilles

ANH-24 Jek Porkins

ANH-25 Biggs Darklighter

ANH-26 Commander Praji

ANH-27 General Dodonna

ANH-28 Jon "Dutch" Vander

ANH-29 Davish "Pops" Krail

The Empire Strikes Back

ESB-1 Boba Fett

ESB-2 Yoda

ESB-3 Lando Calrissian

ESB-4 Bossk


ESB-6 Zuckuss

ESB-7 IG-88

ESB-8 Dengar

ESB-9 Captain Piett

ESB-10 Admiral Ozzel

ESB-11 General Veers

ESB-12 Lobot

ESB-13 Wedge Antilles

ESB-14 Dak Ralter

ESB-15 Wampa

ESB-16 Ugnaughts

Return of the Jedi

ROTJ-1 Jabba The Hutt

ROTJ-2 The Emperor

ROTJ-3 Wicket W. Warrick

ROTJ-4 Bib Fortuna

ROTJ-5 Oola

ROTJ-6 Moff Jerjerrod

ROTJ-7 Admiral Piett

ROTJ-8 Mon Mothma

ROTJ-9 General Madine

ROTJ-10 Gamorrean Guard

ROTJ-11 Malakili

ROTJ-12 Sy Snootles

ROTJ-13 Nien Nunb

ROTJ-14 Salacious B. Crumb

ROTJ-15 Tessek

ROTJ-16 Droopy McCool

ROTJ-17 Admiral Ackbar

ROTJ-18 Emperor's Royal Guard


Base Set (Continued)

The Force Awakens

TFA-1 Rey

TFA-2 Finn

TFA-3 Kylo Ren

TFA-4 BB-8

TFA-5 Captain Phasma

TFA-6 General Hux

TFA-7 Poe Dameron

TFA-8 Han Solo

TFA-9 General Leia Organa

TFA-10 Supreme Leader Snoke

TFA-11 Chewbacca

TFA-12 C-3PO

TFA-13 R2-D2

TFA-14 Maz Kanata

TFA-15 Unkar Plutt

TFA-16 Lor San Tekka

TFA-17 Tasu Leech

TFA-18 Bala-tik

TFA-19 Razoo Qin-Fee

TFA-20 Snap Wexley

TFA-21 Major Ematt

TFA-22 Admiral Statura

TFA-23 Major Brance

TFA-24 Lieutenant Bastian

TFA-25 Jess "Testor" Pava

TFA-26 Ello Asty

TFA-27 Lieutenant Mitaka

TFA-28 Chief Petty Officer Unamo

TFA-29 Riot Control Stormtrooper

TFA-30 Luke Skywalker


Base Set Parallels


Orange (2 per pack)

Blue (1:2 packs)


Green (#/199)

Purple (#/99)

Gold (#/10) (Hobby Box Only)

Red (1/1) (Hobby Box Only)

Printing Plates (Hobby Box Only)

Black (1/1)

Cyan (1/1)

Magenta (1/1)

Yellow (1/1)


Insert: Galactic Moments

GM-1 Death Star destroys Alderaan

GM-2 Han Solo rescued from Jabba's Palace

GM-3 Luke meets Yoda

GM-4 Order 66

GM-5 Anakin Skywalker wins freedom

GM-6 Second Death Star destroyed

GM-7 Skywalker lightsaber returned

GM-8 Vader strikes down Kenobi

GM-9 The Clone Wars begin


Purple (#/99) (Hobby Box Only)

Gold (#/10) (Hobby Box Only)

Red (1/1) (Hobby Box Only)

Black/Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Printing Plate (1/1 each)


Insert: Locations

L-1 Jabba the Hutt's Palace

L-2 Bespin

L-3 D'Qar

L-4 Yavin 4

L-5 Tarkintown

L-6 Otoh Gunga

L-7 Naboo

L-8 Level 1313

L-9 Jakku

L-10 Kashyyyk


Purple (#/99) (Hobby Box Only)

Gold (#/10) (Hobby Box Only)

Red (1/1) (Hobby Box Only)

Black/Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Printing Plate (1/1 each)


Insert: Memorable Quotes

MQ-1 "Thank the Maker!"

MQ-2 "Do. Or do not. There is no try."

MQ-3 "Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?"

MQ-4 "I find your lack of faith disturbing…"

MQ-5 "It's a trap!"

MQ-6 "So this is how liberty dies…"

MQ-7 "Never tell me the odds!"

MQ-8 "Hokey religions and ancient weapons…"

MQ-9 "He doesn't like you… I don't like you, either"

MQ-10 "Use the force, Luke!"

MQ-11 "I suggest a new strategy, Artoo: let the Wookiee win."

MQ-12 "No. I am your father."

MQ-13 "Who's scruffy-looking?"

MQ-14 "Obi-Wan. Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time."

MQ-15 "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope."


Purple (#/99) (Hobby Box Only)

Gold (#/10) (Hobby Box Only)

Red (1/1) (Hobby Box Only)

Black/Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Printing Plate (1/1 each)


Insert: Vehicles

V-1 Super Star Destroyer

V-2 Cloud Car

V-3 Jumpspeeder

V-4 X-34 Landspeeder

V-5 Yoda's Fighter

V-6 The Ghost

V-7 Tantive IV

V-8 Snowspeeder

V-9 Slave I

V-10 Podracer

V-11 Naboo Royal Starship

V-12 Death Star

V-13 Finalizer

V-14 Escape Pod

V-15 AT-ST Walker

V-16 A-Wing Fighter

V-17 AT-AT

V-18 X-Wing Starfighter

V-19 TIE Bomber

V-20 Imperial Shuttle


Purple (#/99) (Hobby Box Only)

Gold (#/10) (Hobby Box Only)

Red (1/1) (Hobby Box Only)

Black/Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Printing Plate (1/1 each)


Insert: Weapons

W-1 Anakin Skywalker's Lightsaber

W-2 Chewbacca's Bowcaster

W-3 DL-44 Blaster Pistol

W-4 E-11 Stormtrooper Rifle

W-5 Thermal Detonator

W-6 Gaderffii Stick

W-7 T-7 Ion Disruptor

W-8 Vibro-Ax

W-9 DLT-Heavy Blaster Rifle

W-10 Darth Vader's Lightsaber


Purple (#/99) (Hobby Box Only)

Gold (#/10) (Hobby Box Only)

Red (1/1) (Hobby Box Only)

Black/Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Printing Plate (1/1 each)


Vehicles Manufactured Medallions Cards



VM-DR Dak Ralter

VM-GV General Veers

VM-LK Luke Skywalker

VM-SW Snowtrooper


VM-AP Han Solo

VM-CB Chewbacca

VM-SM Stormtrooper

VM-SN Snowtrooper

VM-WW Wicket W. Warrick

Death Star

VM-DK Director Krennic

VM-DV Darth Vader

VM-GE Galen Erso

VM-GT Grand Moff Tarkin

VM-HS Han Solo

VM-JE Jyn Erso

VM-LS Luke Skywalker

VM-OK Obi-Wan Kenobi

VM-PL Princess Leia

VM-TE The Emperor

Star Destroyer


VM-BF Boba Fett

VM-BK Bossk

VM-DG Dengar


VM-ZK Zuckuss


VM-BT Bistan

VM-BZ Baze Malbus

VM-CE Cpt Cassian Andor

VM-CI Chirrut Îmwe

VM-JN Jyn Erso


Medallion Card Parallels

Silver (#/99)

Gold (#/25)

Red (1/1)


Autograph Cards

Adam Driver as Kylo Ren

Adrienne Wilkinson as Daughter

Alan Tudyk as K-2SO

Andrew Secombe as Watto

Andy Serkis as Supreme Leader Snoke

Anna Graves as Duchess Satine Kryze

Anthony Daniels as C-3PO

Ashley Eckstein as Ahsoka Tano

Brian Blessed as Boss Nass

Bruce Spence as Tion Medon

Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Organa

Catherine Taber as Padmé Amidala

Clive Revill, Voice of Emperor Palpatine

Daisy Ridley as Rey

Dave Barclay as Jabba the Hutt

David Bowers as Mas Amedda

Dee Bradley Baker as Konstantine

Denis Lawson as Wedge Antilles

Donnie Yen as Chirrut Îmwe

Erik Bauersfeld, Voice of Admiral Ackbar

Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso

Forest Whitaker as Saw Gerrera

Freddie Prinze Jr. as Kanan Jarrus

George Takei as Lok Durd

Harrison Ford as Han Solo

Hassani Shapi as Oppo Rancisis

Jeremy Bulloch as Boba Fett

Jerome Blake as Rune Haako

Jesse Jensen as Saesee Tiin

Jim Cummings as Hondo Ohnaka

John Boyega as Finn

John Coppinger as Graxol Kelvyyn

Julian Glover as General Veers

Kath Soucie as Mon Mothma

Kenny Baker as R2-D2

Keone Young as Jun Sato

Lewis MacLeod as Sebulba

Lloyd Sherr as Father

Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker

Mary Oyaya as Luminara Unduli

Megan Udall as Melee

Michaela Cottrell as Even Piell

Michael Carter as Bib Fortuna

Michonne Bourriague as Aurra Sing

Nika Futterman as Asajj Ventress

Oliver Ford Davies as Sio Bibble

Oliver Walpole as Seek

Olivia D'Abo as Luminara Unduli

Phil Eason as Yaddle

Phil LaMarr as Bail Organa

Rajia Baroudi as Miraj Scintel

Ray Park as Darth Maul

Rena Owen as Taun We

Riz Ahmed as Bodhi Rook

Rohan Nichol as Raymus Antilles

Sam Witwer as Darth Maul

Scott Capurro as Beed

Stephen Stanton as Mas Amedda

Tom Kane as Yoda

Tom Kenny as Nute Gunray

Wayne Pygram as Wilhuff Tarkin

Zac Jensen as Kit Fisto


Dual Autograph Cards (Hobby Box Only)

Caroline Blakiston as Mon Mothma, Tim Rose as Admiral Ackbar

Carrie Fisher as Leia Organa, Caroline Blakiston as Mon Mothma

Catherine Taber as Padmé Amidala, Phil LaMarr as Bail Organa

Ian McDiarmid as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Silas Carson as Nute Gunray

Julian Glover as General Veers, Kenneth Colley as Admiral Piett

Rohan Nichol as Captain Raymus Antilles, Ralph Brown as Ric Olié

Silas Carson as Ki-Adi-Mundi, Amy Allen as Aayla Secura

Stephen Stanton as Mas Amedda, Tom Kenny as Nute Gunray

Taylor Gray as Ezra Bridger, Kath Soucie as Mira Bridgers

Triple Autograph Cards (Hobby Box Only)

Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia, David Barclay as Jabba the Hutt, Michael Carter as Bib Fortuna

Clive Revill as Emperor Palpatine, Kenneth Colley as Admiral Piett, Julian Glover as General Veers

Freddie Prinze Jr. as Kanan Jarrus, Taylor Gray as Ezra Bridger, Ashley Eckstein as Ahsoka Tano

Greg Grunberg as Snap Wexley, Kipsang Rotich as Nien Nunb, Tim Rose as Admiral Ackbar

Ian McDiarmid as Darth Sidious, Ray Park as Darth Maul, Jerome Blake as Mas Amedda

Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, Kenny Baker as R2-D2, Anthony Daniels as C-3PO

Matthew Wood as General Grievous, Silas Carson as Nute Gunray, Jerome Blake as Rune Haako

Sam Witwer as Darth Maul, Barbara Goodson as Mother Talzin, Nika Futterman as Asajj Ventress

Six-Person Autograph Cards (Serial Numbered) (Hobby)

Ian McDiarmid, Matthew Wood, Silas Carson, Wayne Pygram, Kenneth Colley and Julian Glover


Autograph Card Parallels


Gold (#/25)

Red (1/1) (Hobby Box Only)

Single Card Printing Plates

Black (1/1)

Cyan (1/1)

Magenta (1/1)

Yellow (1/1)

Sketch Card Artists

Adam Schickling

Alex Iniguez

Andrew Fry

Andrew Lopez

Anil Sharma

Anthony Skubis

Ben AbuSaada

Brad Hudson

Brandon Blevins

Brendan Purchase

Brendan Shaw

Brett Farr

Brian Jackson

Brian Kong

Bruce Gerlach

Carlos Cabaleiro

Cathy Razim

Chris Clark

Chris Henderson

Chris Meeks

Clinton Yeager

Dan Bergren

Daniel Cooney

Darrin Pepe

Dean Drummond

Don Pedicini Jr.

Eddie Price

Eric Lehtonen

Eric White

Humberto Fuentes

Ibrahim Özkan

J. P. Perez

Jamie Thomas

Jason Sobol

Jay Manchand

Jeff Meuth

Jennifer Allyn

Jessica Hickman

Jim Mehsling

Jonathan Caustria

Jordan Maison

Joshua Bommer

Juan Rosales

Kaela Croft

Kallan Archer

Kate Carleton

Kelly Greider

Kevin Liell

Kris Penix

Kyle Babbitt

Kyle Hickman

Lak Lim

Louise Draper

Marcia Dye

Mark Mangum

Marsha Parkins

Matthew Pruno

Matthew Sutton

Matt Maldonado

Matt Steffens

Matt Stewart

Michael Duron

Michelle Rayner

Mike Barnard

Mike James

Norvierto P. Basio

Pablo Diaz

Patrick Giles

Paul Andrews

Phil Hassewer

Roy Cover

Scott Houseman

Shane McCormack

Shaow Siong

Solly Mohamed

Stephanie Rosales

Tiffany Groves

Tim Smith

Tod Smith

Veronica O'Connell

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