Klaatu (in Skiff Guard Outfit) - Kenner - Vintage Return of the Jedi (1984)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Topps Finest: Star Wars (2018)

Set Details

Release Date: November 28, 2018

Master Boxes Per Case: 8

Mini Boxes Per Master Box: 2

Packs Per Mini Box: 6

Cards Per Pack: 5

Set Size: 100 cards

Extended Base Set: 20 cards

Inserts: 60 cards (Hobby Box)

Hits: Autograph Cards, Sketch Cards, Lightsaber Hilt Commemorative Medallion

Hobby Box Contents

Hits (Autograph, Sketch, or Medallion): 2

Inserts: TBD

Parallels: 4

Insert Sets

Droids and Vehicles (20 Cards)

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (20 Cards)

Solo: A Star Wars Story (20 Cards)


Base Set

1 4-LOM

2 Aayla Secura

3 Admiral Ackbar

4 Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo

5 Admiral Piett

6 Ahsoka Tano

7 Anakin Skywalker

8 Aurra Sing

9 Bail Organa

10 Barriss Offee

11 BB-8

12 Bib Fortuna

13 Bo-Katan Kryze

14 Boba Fett

15 Bossk

16 C-3PO

17 Captain Panaka

18 Captain Phasma

19 Captain Rex

20 Chancellor Valorum

21 Chewbacca

22 Chief Chirpa

23 Chopper

24 Cikatro Vizago

25 Clone Trooper

26 Commander Cody

27 Count Dooku

28 Darth Maul

29 Dengar

30 Darth Vader

31 DJ

32 Dr. Cornelius Evazan

33 Ezra Bridger

34 Finn

35 FN-2199

36 Gamorrean Guard

37 General Grievous

38 General Hux

39 General Rieekan

40 General Veers

41 Grand Admiral Thrawn

42 The Grand Inquisitor

43 Grand Moff Tarkin

44 Greedo

45 Han Solo

46 Hera Syndulla

47 Hondo Ohnaka

48 IG-88

49 Imperial Royal Guard

50 Imperial Stormtrooper

51 Jabba the Hutt

52 Jango Fett

53 Jawas

54 Kallus

55 Kanan Jarrus

56 Kaydel Ko Connix

57 Ki-Adi-Mundi

58 Kit Fisto

59 Kylo Ren

60 Lando Calrissian

61 Luke Skywalker

62 Luminara Unduli

63 Mace Windu

64 Maz Kanata

65 Mon Mothma

66 Nute Gunray

67 Obi-Wan Kenobi

68 Owen Lars

69 Plo Koon

70 Padmé Amidala

71 Poe Dameron

72 Poggle the Lesser

73 Ponda Baba

74 Praetorian Guard

75 Princess Leia Organa

76 Qui-Gon Jinn

77 R2-D2

78 Rey

79 Rose Tico

80 Sabé

81 Sabine Wren

82 Saesee Tiin

83 Savage Opress

84 Sebulba

85 Shaak Ti

86 Shock Trooper

87 Supreme Leader Snoke

88 Teebo

89 Tessek

90 The Emperor

91 TIE Fighter Pilot

92 Tusken Raider

93 Unkar Plutt

94 Watto

95 Wedge Antilles

96 Wicket W. Warrick

97 Yoda

98 Zam Wesell

99 Zeb Orrelios

100 Zuckuss


Base Set Refractor Parallels




Blue (#/150)

Green (#/99)

Gold (#/50)

Orange (#/25)

Black (#/10)

Red (#/5)

SuperFractor (1/1)


Extended Base Card Set

101 Admiral Ackbar

102 Anakin Skywalker

103 Bail Organa

104 Boba Fett

105 Bossk

106 C-3PO

107 Captain Rex

108 Chancellor Palpatine

109 Chewbacca

110 Maul

111 Grand Moff Tarkin

112 Darth Vader

113 Han Solo

114 Jabba the Hutt

115 General Leia Organa

116 Luke Skywalker

117 Mon Mothma

118 Obi-Wan Kenobi

119 R2-D2

120 Yoda


Gold (#/50)

Red (#/5)

SuperFractor (1/1)


Insert: Droids and Vehicles

DV-1 2-1B

DV-2 2BB-2

DV-3 8D8

DV-4 Battle Droid

DV-5 BB-4

DV-6 BB-9E

DV-7 C2-B5

DV-8 Droideka

DV-9 EV-9D9

DV-10 FX-7

DV-11 Imperial Mouse Droid


DV-13 Magnaguard

DV-14 GNK Droid

DV-15 Probe Droid

DV-16 PZ-4CO

DV-17 R4-P17

DV-18 R5-D4

DV-19 SE-2 Worker Droid

DV-20 Super Battle Droid


Gold (#/50)

Red (#/5)

SuperFractor (1/1)


Insert: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

RO-1 Admiral Raddus

RO-2 Baze Malbus

RO-3 Benthic Two Tubes

RO-4 Bistan

RO-5 Bodhi Rook

RO-6 Captain Cassian Andor

RO-7 Chirrut îmwe

RO-8 Corporal Ansin Thobel

RO-9 Darth Vader

RO-10 Death Trooper

RO-11 Director Krennic

RO-12 Edrio Two Tubes

RO-13 Galen Erso

RO-14 General Draven

RO-15 Jyn Erso

RO-16 K-2SO

RO-17 Moroff

RO-18 Pao

RO-19 Saw Gerrera

RO-20 Shoretrooper


Gold (#/50)

Red (#/5)

SuperFractor (1/1)


Insert: Solo: A Star Wars Story

SO-1 Aemon Gremm

SO-2 Argus "Six Eyes" Panox

SO-3 Tobias Beckett

SO-4 Chewbacca

SO-5 Dryden Vos

SO-6 Enfys Nest

SO-7 Han Solo

SO-8 Margo

SO-9 L3-37

SO-10 Lando Calrissian

SO-11 Mimban Stormtrooper

SO-12 Moloch

SO-13 Qi'ra

SO-14 Quay Tolsite

SO-15 Ralakili

SO-16 Range Trooper

SO-17 Rio Durant

SO-18 L.T.S.O. Falthina Sharest

SO-19 Val

SO-20 Weazel


Gold (#/50)

Red (#/5)

SuperFractor (1/1)


Commemorative Lightsaber Medallion Cards (#/99)

Ahsoka Tano's Lightsaber

LM-AS3 Ahsoka Tano (The Clone Wars)

LM-AS2 Ahsoka Tano (The Clone Wars)

LM-ASC Ahsoka Tano (The Clone Wars)

Anakin Skywalker's Lightsaber (AOTC)

LM-AS1 Anakin Skywalker (Attack of the Clones)

Anakin Skywalker's Lightsaber (ROTS)

LM-A22 Anakin Skywalker (Revenge of the Sith)

LM-L24 Luke Skywalker (A New Hope)

LM-L25 Luke Skywalker (The Empire Strikes Back)

LM-L28 Luke Skywalker (The Last Jedi)

LM-R27 Rey (The Force Awakens)

Asajj Ventress' Lightsaber

LM-AV Asajj Ventress (The Clone Wars)

LM-BO Barriss Offee (The Clone Wars)

Count Dooku's Lightsaber

LM-CD2 Count Dooku (Attack of the Clones)

Darth Maul's Lightsaber

LM-DM1 Darth Maul (The Phantom Menace)

Darth Sidious's Lightsaber

LM-DS3Darth Sidious (Revenge of the Sith)

Darth Vader's Lightsaber

LM-DVR Darth Vader (Rogue One)

LM-DV4 (Rogue One)

LM-DV5 Darth Vader (The Empire Strikes Back)

The Grand Inquisitor's Lightsaber

LM-GIR The Grand Inquisitor (Star Wars Rebels)

Ki-Adi-Mundi's Lightsaber

LM-KM1 Ki-Adi-Mundi (The Phantom Menace)

Kit Fisto's Lightsaber

LM-KF2 Kit Fisto (Attack of the Clones)

Kylo Ren's Lightsaber

LM-KR7 Kylo Ren (The Force Awakens)

LM-KR8 Kylo Ren (The Last Jedi)

Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber (ROTJ)

LM-LS6 Luke Skywalker (Return of the Jedi)

LM-LS8 Luke Skywalker (Return of the Jedi)

Mace Windu's Lightsaber

LM-MW2 Mace Windu (Attack of the Clones)

Obi-Wan Kenobi's Lightsaber (TPM)

LM-O11 Obi-Wan Kenobi (The Phantom Menace)

Obi-Wan Kenobi's Lightsaber (AOTC)

LM-O22 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Attack of the Clones)

Qui-Gon Jinn's Lightsaber

LM-QJ1 Qui-Gon Jinn (The Phantom Menace)

Shaak Ti's Lightsaber

LM-ST Shaak Ti (Attack of the Clones)

Skywalker Lightsaber

LM-SAS Anakin Skywalker (Revenge of the Sith)

LM-SLS Luke Skywalker (A New Hope)

LM-SF Finn (The Force Awakens)

LM-SR Rey (The Force Awakens)

Yoda's Lightsaber

LM-Y2 Yoda (Attack of the Clones)

LM-YC Yoda (The Clone Wars)


Gold (#/50)

Orange (#/25)

Black (#/10)

Red (#/5)

SuperFractor (1/1)



Autograph Cards (#/199)

Amanda Lawrence as Commander D'Acy

Ashley Eckstein as Ahsoka Tano

Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian

Clive Revill as The Emperor

Daniel Logan as Boba Fett

Dee Bradley Baker as Captain Rex

Freddie Prinze Jr. as Kanan Jarrus

George Takei as Lok Durd

Gwendoline Christie as Captain Phasma

Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker

Hermione Corfield as Tallissan "Tallie" Lintra

Ian McDiarmid as Emperor Palpatine

James Arnold Taylor as Obi-Wan Kenobi

Jeremy Bulloch as Boba Fett

Jerome Blake as Mas Amedda

Jimmy Vee as R2-D2

John Boyega as Finn

Laura Dern as Vice Admiral Holdo

Mary Elizabeth McGlynn as Governor Arihnda Pryce

Matthew Wood as General Grievous

Meredith Salenger as Barriss Offee

Nika Futterman as Asajj Ventress

Ray Park as Darth Maul

Sam Witwer as Maul

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Seventh Sister

Stefan Grube as Yolo Ziff

Temuera Morrison as Jango Fett

Thomas Brodie-Sangster as Petty Officer Thanisson

Tim Rose as Admiral Ackbar

Tom Kenny as Silood

Zac Jensen as Kit Fisto

Autographs Card Parallels

Green (#/99)

Gold (#/50)

Orange (#/25)

Black (#/10)

Red (#/5)

SuperFractor (1/1)


Prime Autograph Cards

Adam Driver as Kylo Ren

Andy Serkis as Supreme Leader Snoke

Anthony Daniels as C-3PO

Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Organa

Daisy Ridley as Rey

Harrison Ford as Han Solo

Kenny Baker as R2-D2

Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca

Autographs Card Parallels

Black (#/10)

Red (#/5)

SuperFractor (1/1)


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Autograph Cards

Alan Tudyk as K-2SO

Alistair Petrie as General Draven

Ben Daniels as General Merrick

Ben Mendelsohn as Director Krennic

Derek Arnold as Pao

Donnie Yen as Chirrut Îmwe

Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso

Forest Whitaker as Saw Gerrera

Genevieve O'Reilly as Mon Mothma

Ian McElhinney as Jan Dodonna

Mads Mikkelsen as Galen Erso

Riz Ahmed as Bodhi Rook

Autographs Card Parallels

Green (#/99)

Gold (#/50)

Orange (#/25)

Black (#/10)

Red (#/5)

SuperFractor (1/1)


Sketch Card Artists


Includes standard sketch cards and shaped sketch cards


Adam Beck

Adam Harris

Adam Talley

Adam Worton

Adrian Ropp

Aleksandar Gigov

Allen Grimes

Andrew Sanchez

Anil Sharma

Aston Cover

Barry Renshaw

Başak Çetinkaya

Ben AbuSaada

Brad Hudson

Brandon Blevins

Brendan Purchase

Brent Ragland

Brent Scotchmer

Bryce King II

Caleb King

Carlos Cabaleiro

Carolyn Craggs

Chris Thorne

Colin Arthurs

Cyrus Sherkat

Dan Bergren

Dan Curto

Dan Gorman

Dan Tearle

Darren James

Darrin Pepe

Dave Strong

Dean Drummond

Eric Lehtonen

Eric White

Erin Lefler

Fredd Gorham

Gavin Williams

Gerard Garcia Jr.

Glen Kertes

Gorkem Demir

Greg Mitchell

Huy Truong

Ibrahim Özkan

Ingrid Hardy

Jaime Lopez

Jamie Richards

Jason Adams

Jay Manchand

Jeff Mallinson

Jeff West

Jessica Hickman

Jim O'Riley

John Bruce

Jose Ruiz

Kaela Croft

Keith Farnum

Kelly Baber

Kevin Cleveland

Kevin Graham

Kevin Liell

Kris Penix

Kurt Ruskin

Laura Atkinson

Logan Monette

Madison Emerick

Mark Picirilli

Marsha Parkins

Matt Soffe

Matt Stewart

Matthew Hirons

Matthew Lopez

Michael Mastermaker

Michelle Rayner

Mick and Matt Glebe

Mohammad Jilani

Nathan Kennett

Neil Camera

Nicholas Dertinger

Nick Justus

Oscar Chavez

Patricio Carrasco

Phil Hassewer

Phillip Trujillo

Rees Finlay

Rich Hennemann

Richard Serrao

Rob Teranishi

Robert Hendrickson

Rodney Roberts

Ryan Crosby

Ryan Finley

Ryan Olsen

Sebastian Cortez

Shaow Siong

Solly Mohamed

Thomas Amici

Tim Shinn

Tod Smith

Travis Kinnison

Trent Westbrook

Vincenzo D'Ippolito

Wayne Tully

Zach Woolsey


Gallery: Topps Finest: Star Wars (2018) Box Break


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