When we report things that Hasbro directly say to us at conventions as tidbits of new information or confirmation, the doubt that still remains within the collecting community perplexes us. JTA reader Paul G. sends us proof of what unequivocally MUST BE multiple solid case packs of Qui-Gon Jinn. Maybe Amazon didn’t get them yet because they’re showing up at ThinkGeek stores instead. We don’t know as that’s just a guess, but the takeaway here is that Hasbro was completely right that ALL The Black Series 6″ figures going forward will be available in solid case packs (until that directive changes). Case closed, no pun intended RFG. Click through for more information.
Hello Paul,
Though our trips/toy runs have been few and far between for reasons that are obvious to us all, I happened to be at my local Think Geek store (looking for the new Mass Effect figures) only to find find over 28 Qui-Gon figures (BS 6″) and 15 R5-D4 figures (40th AC) as well as a handful of Death Squad Commanders and Jawas (40th AC). However, most of the Qui-Gon figures had the dreaded “Linda Blair Syndrome”. Apologies for the poor photo, the lighting in that portion of the store was flickering (which only added to the eeriness of the figures lack of eye detail).
Paul G.
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