JTA regular Mark directs our attention to an interesting turn of events on a much wanted action figure. The elusive Rogue One (Star Wars: Rebels) Fenn Rau that once showed as “This item is no longer available” has just changed its status online at Walmart to “Coming Soon”. As you know, we CANNOT get a straight answer on this figure from official sources. Can this product page update serve as any glimmer of hope, a sign or guarantee that it’s still coming? Probably not, but we still believe that this currently hard-to-find figure will see future better availability – we just don’t know when exactly.
UPDATE: It DID say “Coming Soon” earlier (see attached screen shot as evidence), but it’s now showing as “No Longer Available”. I guess our hope is shot down now.
Distribution Fenn Rau Rogue One Star Wars: Rebels Walmart
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