It seems that Hasbro is in a position with The Black Series 6″ line that they will be playing forever “catch up” with it. There was already such a vast cast of characters “out there” before the line even began in 2013 that trying to represent even a diverse range of everything is proving overwhelming for them. (more….)
It has become one of their most daunting tasks to date. So we want to ask our readers and fans of the line where they’d like Hasbro to focus their efforts. Anecdotal retail experience has shown that new characters that are part of the new Star Wars Entertainment just don’t have the same sell through/purchasing power (when compared if they were made in the 3.75″ super-articulated line). Collectors of these (3.75″ SA) figures buy ANY character multiple times over in this format) but the same isn’t true for 6″ likely because of the price point. Do you want to see more OT stuff, PT stuff, Rebels stuff, The Clone Wars stuff? Or maybe there is a facet of characters you’d like to see them focus on like the Battle of Hoth, the Battle of Geonosis, the Battle of Endor, etc. Let us know in the comments what you’d like to see the focuses be. This article will serve as a fact gatherer for an upcoming special report that we are working on with some close friends, so please be candid with your responses. Thank you.
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