Muftak and Kabe - Gentle Giant - Mini Busts (2011)
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Walmart Is Clearing Shelves Across The Country

It seems like every day we get a new report of clearance items at Walmart stores throughout the US with ever-decreasing prices. It seems to be a large push of what looks like every Star Wars product in their toy aisles from The Black Series 6″ & 3.75″ to 5POA and everything in between. Is this happening at your local Walmarts? Click through to see some examples.


As I said, we have been getting frequent reports of clearance items at Walmarts all over and products of all types.


Here you can see a receipt from Iowa where JTA reader Mark found some TBS 6″ figures for $1.  Any figures (whether they’re Jyn, Cassian, or anything else) seems like a good deal for a buck!


JTA Reader Aarren A. sends us some clearance happening in Denton, TX. Here’s what he had to say about his find.

 It’s not that interesting that 5poa finally went on clearance. What’s interesting is that 5poa at this store has been represented by literally 1 single Chirrut Imwe for probably 3 months and now suddenly a restock of old figures shows up on clearance.

So what is going on at your local Walmart? Are you seeing total clearance of all Star Wars figures or just the same typical clearance that has been going on for awhile? Hopefully, this is just making room for the Force Friday releases since we’ve been informed they have been removing these from the systems as well. Let us know your thoughts in the comments and if you find some great clearance going on in your Walmart, be sure to drop us a line!

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