We’re all over the moon about the possibilities with the return of The Vintage Collection. But we want to know how you’d react if the line opens up with a wave of straight The Force Awakens repacks (plus or minus an all-new figure). It seems many collectors are anxious about this and with the difficulty of the Walmart exclusive SA 3.75″ line making an impact at the brick and mortar level, you’d have to wonder if there are plans to get these figures out again but in the way they were always intended. Would it sour TVC’s re-arrival for you? Would you be ecstatic? Would you wonder what the heck is going on with Hasbro? Will you feel that new Star Wars Entertainment might kill the spirit and intent of this coveted line? Let us know your thoughts. (Special thanks to Sebastian E. at Blizzard Force Customs for loaning us these images of his custom TVC-inspired TFA figures. His Facebook page can be found HERE.)
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