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EW Previews Leia's Role In The Last Jedi

Entertainment Weekly continued their coverage of The Last Jedi by focusing on Leia’s role in the film, her relationship with Oscar Isaac’s Poe Dameron, and Carrie Fisher’s legacy. Click through for more! 

Rian Johnson said of Leia, “Her character to some degree or another has been defined by loss through this whole saga, starting with the loss of her home planet. She’s just taken hit after hit, and she’s borne it, and she focuses on moving forward and the task at hand.” 

Apparently, Leia’s relationship with Poe Dameron will be one of the most important in the film. Oscar Isaac told EW that, “Poe is in some ways a surrogate son for Leia, but also I think she sees in him the potential for a truly great leader of the Resistance and beyond.” Isaac continued, “I think Leia knows she won’t be around forever and she, with tough love, wants to push Poe to be more than the badass pilot, to temper his heroic impulses with wisdom and clarity.”  Oscar Isaac is a talented and likable actor who was unfortunately given very little to do in The Force Awakens, so it’s encouraging that they are looking to develop his character further. There’s definitely potential in pairing him with Leia.

Johnson reiterated that the storyline wasn’t changed after Carrie Fisher’s death and said, “There’s no way that we could’ve known this would’ve been the last Star Wars movie she would be in, so it’s not like we made the film thinking that we were bringing closure to the character. But watching the film, there’s going to be a very emotional reaction to what she does in this movie.” Walking into the theater knowing that this will be the last time we see Carrie Fisher as Leia will certainly be difficult, but I hope it honors Carrie’s legcay. 

Head over to Entertainment Weekly for the full article to learn about Leia’s relationship with Laura Dern’s Vice Admrial Holdo and how Carrie Fisher impacted her fellow actors. 

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