There have been a lot of The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ figures that have been formally announced, shown or teased. There are also a lot that haven’t been announced. We have one of those. So, what is their status? (more….)
JTA has learned what figures The Black Series 6″ fans can expect to see put into an assortment in the very near future (like future case assortments after Force Friday II). We’re talking about the standard red and black packaging here where each action figure will have a specific sequence number in the line. While most of these have all been revealed and confirmed by Hasbro, this should give you an idea about what characters are due to be slotted next.
Rebel Fleet Trooper
Death Squad Commander (unknown how he will be named)
Captain Rex
Grand Moff Tarkin
Rey (from Episode VIII in a different “brown” outfit – will probably be in the fourth wave after 9/1 launch.)
Jaina Solo
As with anything we post, take with a grain of salt until officially confirmed by Hasbro.
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