Hasbro: this isn’t an attack. We’re not even making fun of you, so this isn’t meant to pick you apart. We are actually just trying to understand your logic and game plan for the 3.75″ Force Link line. Yes, we understand that in order for Jyn Erso to be Force Link compatible that you had to put her back into production and add a chip into the figure. But why would you choose *her* when Hasbro Toy Shop’s eBay store can’t get rid of the Rogue One version at $2.69? Do you really think that the Star Wars buying market is waiting to add her into their collections…. again and at $7.99 to boot? If you could explain how a character likes this gets considered for a “repack” into the basic figure line, we would appreciate the answer. This isn’t unprecedented ad other characters have received this kind of preferential treatment too. We’re really just curious. THANK YOU!