Jyn Erso (VC119)  - Hasbro - The Vintage Collection (2018)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Hasbro: We've Distilled The Collect All 92! Figures For You

The Hasbro roundtable discussion, in my opinion, was a fruitful event. It got me inspired once again to figure out where we are with The Vintage Collection and where we need to go from an “old school/Original Trilogy” point of view. Please be patient, we will definitely be looking at the various sections of the Star Wars timeline individually so that a clearer and more focused discussion can be had. In the meantime, we have distilled where we stand with Hasbro updating the “Collect All 92!” original vintage Kenner figures in the modern line. This isn’t meant to be interpreted that Hasbro should “only do this” but instead a “when you focus on this, this is what should be considered.” We’re not alienating any group of collectors who want other types of figures. Those articles are forthcoming. To be clear, we will be doing similar articles for Prequel Trilogy, Sequel Trilogy and Expanded Universe characters in addition to other new canon including standalone films, Rebels and The Clone Wars. (more….)

For the original Kenner era, we have referenced our very own 2013 Almost Done, So Give Us Some Vintage Versus Modern Analysis Special Report, and have updated some of the information contained within it to be more relevant for today. Funko has GREAT success with itching their collectors with anything from the vintage Kenner era, so we want Hasbro to do the same for super-articulated 3.75″ collectors. If you have anything of relevance to add to this, please it to our comments. Hasbro is reading and this information will also be forwarded to them.


Vintage Kenner Figures That Still Need Modern Counterparts:

Sim Aloo (1985)
Power Droid (1979)
Bespin Security Guard (mustache) (1980)
Sy Snootles (1984) (puppet version – maybe just redo the entire band as an exclusive in TVC packaging)
Death Squad Commander (gray outfit and headset with cord) – this figure will probably never happen….


Modern Hasbro Figures That Are In Need Of Sculpting Updates:

Luke Skywalker (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach” – feel free to use alternate vintage Kenner image on packaging)
Princess Leia Organa (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”)
C-3PO (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”/”Star Wars” card back)
Stormtrooper (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”/no removable helmet/”Star Wars” card back)
Jawa (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach” with soft-goods cloak/”Star Wars” card back)
Tusken Raider (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach” – perhaps shrink down TBS6 figure/”Star Wars” card back)
Momaw Nadon (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”/strong rumors this figure was already tooled/”Star Wars” card back)
Death Star Droid (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”/”Star Wars” card back/Disney’s Droid Factory sculpt is divine)
Boba Fett (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach” with no removable helmet/alternate ”Return Of The Jedi” card back)
Han Solo (Hoth Outfit) (all-new sculpt would be great, but we need a hood up version in TVC)
Lando Calrissian (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”/shrink down TBS6 version?)
Snowtrooper (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”/shrink down TBS6 version?/no removable helmet)
Yoda (please approach Yoda like it’s shown in the Boss Fight Studios blueprint)
Lobot (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”/this figure is done already so get it out/”The Empire Strikes Back” card back)
AT-AT Driver (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”/no removable helmet – shrink down TBS6 version?/”The Empire Strikes Back” card back)
2-1B (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach” although much of 2008’s TAC 2-1B (Surgical Droid) would be a great start/”The Empire Strikes Back” card back)
4-LOM (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”/”The Empire Strikes Back” card back/shrink TBS6 version?/Disney’s Droid Factory sculpt is divine)
Zuckuss (just redo lower soft-goods with less flare/”The Empire Strikes Back” card back)
Emperor’s Royal Guard (please shrink down TBS6 version so there is no removable helmet)
Rebel Commando (the last figure based on the vintage Kenner figure was from POTF2/we need an all-new sculpt that reflects this version)
Squid Head (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”/”Return Of The Jedi” card back)
General Madine (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”/”Return Of The Jedi” card back)
Bib Fortuna (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”/”Return Of The Jedi” card back)
Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard Disguise) (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”/current TVC version is too short/shrink TBS6 version/”Return Of The Jedi” card back)
8D8 (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”/”Return Of The Jedi” card back)
The Emperor (we NEED a “from the ground up approach”/”Return Of The Jedi” card back)
Klaatu (Skiff Guard Disguise) (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”/”Return Of The Jedi” card back)
Teebo (please use the “angry” head sculpt that was intended for the SW [TPM 3D] TRU multipack”)
Paploo (we NEED a “from the ground up approach” but if not please repack the LC figure/”Return Of The Jedi” card back)
Imperial Gunner (planned for TBS [P1] line but cancelled/please get this figure out/no removable helmet)
Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper Disguise) (shrink down TBS6 figure/or once you redo the Stormtrooper sculpt, reuse it for an all-new version of this figure)
EV-9D9 (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”/”Return Of The Jedi” or “The Power Of The Force” card back)
Yak Face (we’d appreciate a “from the ground up approach”/”Return Of The Jedi” or “The Power Of The Force” card back)


Modern Hasbro Figures That Are Definitive That Just Need To Released in TVC Packaging:

R2-D2 (LC “Resurgence Of The Jedi” Battle Packs version on a “Star Wars” card back)
Chewbacca (The Black Series [Phase II] 3.75” version on “Star Wars” card back)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (LC “Resurgence Of The Jedi Battle Packs version on a “Star Wars” card back)
Takeel (TVC Special Action Figure Set 3-Pack version on a “Star Wars” card back – this should be the red Snaggletooth figure)
FX-7 (TVC Special Action Figure Set version on “The Empire Strikes Back” card back)
Yoda (TBS [P1] basic figure version if you cannot resculpt him like Boss Fight Studios’ blueprint shows)
Ugnaught (the vintage Kenner Ugnaught can be recreated by using the TLC blue apron from one Ugnaught and the LC gray body of the other)
Imperial Commander (there are plenty of sculpt from which you can choose/place on “The Empire Strikes Back” card back)
Bespin Security Guard [Sergeant Edian] (LC basic figure version/The Empire Strikes Back” card back)
Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) (just repack the Deleted Scenes version and place on correct “Return Of The Jedi” card back and make sure you give us a sleeveless cloak this time!)
Princess Leia Organa (Boushh Disguise) (TBS [P2] basic figure version – extra points if you remove permanent thermal detonator from hand and repaint figure/“Return Of The Jedi” card back)
Chief Chirpa (repack TSC basic figure)
Ree-Yees (repack TBS [P1] basic figure/”Return Of The Jedi” card back)
AT-ST Driver (use any of your brilliant sculpt and get him on a “Return Of The Jedi” card back)
Malakili (LC basic figure/“Return Of The Jedi” card back)
Luke Skywalker (Battle Poncho) (please use the body of the VC23 figure and the gear of the Battle For Endor Battle Packs figure/”Return Of The Jedi” or “The Power Of The Force” card back)
Romba (TAC basic figure/”Return Of The Jedi” or “The Power Of The Force” card back)
Amanaman (a resculpt would be nice, if not repack POTJ figure/”Return Of The Jedi” or “The Power Of The Force” card back)
Han Solo (In Carbonite) (TBS [P2] basic figure version/”Return Of The Jedi” or “The Power Of The Force” card back)
Warok (repack LC Battle For Endor figure/”Return Of The Jedi” or “The Power Of The Force” card back)
A-wing Pilot (pick any existing SA sculpt/”Return Of The Jedi” or “The Power Of The Force” card back)

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